$2 Cupcake Stand

We are having a party this weekend so I’m trying to get as much done in advance so I’m not a stressed-out creep the day of. You’re welcome MJ.

I did research for a friend a few months back on DIY cake stands. When I got to thinking how I wanted to layout the food table, I thought back to this research and waited patiently to find the materials. Finally, just last Sunday, I was able to find what I was looking for. And an added bonus, the materials were on sale, one at 90% off!

Okay, here are the simple materials:

– two big cans – Just grabbed them from my cupboard so I did not include these in my total above. (They are for recipes like MJ’s chili or the Creamy Sausage and Tomato Pasta)

– three metal holiday plates – these were 90% off, each only $.49!

– three pieces of cardstock – I found these on sale, too. Regularly $.69/piece, I got them for $.16/piece.

– Not pictured, the two strips of paper to cover the cans, magnets and spray paint. All of these materials I had on hand so I didn’t include them in the total. If you were to add in the cost of their usage in this project, it would be minimal.

First, I spray painted the holiday plates with a metallic paint by Rustoleum. I neglected to grab a picture of them pre-paint. Suffice to say, they were ugly thus the fact they were heavily discounted. A combination of hurried painting and MJ moving the plates before they were dried, the paint didn’t turn out perfectly. The rustic chic look was completely on purpose. To achieve, hurriedly paint the plates, muck them all up and then, sand and scrape them into appealing platters.

Spray paint is not food safe. Just getting that out there.

To make the plates okay for food to sit on, I used textured, pearl colored cardstock, cut in a 10 inch circle, to cover the bottom of the plate. It’s not necessary but double-sided tape will keep things in place.

Now for the cans. I had some pearly momi paper on hand (though cardstock works too) and, after cutting it to fit, rolled it around the can, again, securing it with double-sided tape.

Then to stack.

First a plate. Then one can, centered.

On the top of the can, place 3-4 magnets.

Add the second plate, then the second can, a couple magnets and the final plate.

The best thing about these? There is not just one.

– I can totally change up the paper to match whatever it needs to.

– I can also adjust the number of levels to use.

– Besides the permanently painted plates (really they look better than they did originally) and the paper which can be tossed when it gets dirty, the other materials can be taken apart and put away when the party is over.

– And the plates won’t take up too much room in storage either.

Next week, there will be pictures of cupcakes on this stand. :)

Take care

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

2 thoughts on “$2 Cupcake Stand

  1. What a neat idea. I have made cake/candy plates from candle holders and odd plates but I really like this idea.
    Thanks for sharing.


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