Little Halloween Monsters

It’s October! This means leaves turning colors, football games, apple orchards, my big brother’s birthday, soups and warm breads, pumpkin carving and Halloween.

I’m not a huge fan of Halloween or its decorations. Not sure why really, it just isn’t my holiday of choice. With that said, I do like to have a little something in the way of decoration so I decided to make something. Shocking, I know.

My plan was to try to use stuff I have laying around so 1.) I don’t have to leave the house to get more supplies and 2.) it’s won’t cost more money.

I’ve been trying to come up with a way to use these things.

No, I’m not addicted to anything, I’ve just been saving these bottles for the past year or so. With having a long rough start to my pregnancy with Sweet J, having the worst ear infection I can remember and having Sweet J, I’ve been able to save up a few.

With my children in mind, I thought some little monsters would be fun to make and the medication bottles made the ideal base.

Other things I used from my collection:

– fabric and felt scraps – if you don’t have fabric, paper works too
– batting (to make rounded shapes)
– hot glue gun
– scissors
– fabric paint
– rubber bands
– ribbon

To give the bottles some weight, I added a few fish marbles to each bottle. Now, not only are the monsters visually appealing, they are audibly appealing as well.

Then I just started making monsters.

A spooky ghost.

A little batting made a rounded ghost shape.

A ‘mad face’ Frankenstein, who Love Bug refuses to play with because he’s too ‘mad’.

To make him, it made more sense to me to have the bottle upside-down so his head would be cylindrical but his neck would be larger.

A jolly jack-o-lantern.

I didn’t have any orange fabric so I used orange fabric paint from last year’s pumpkin tee (oh my goodness, Bug is so cute!!) and painted a square of white fabric.

The cutest little bat.

The body is wrapped in batting as well, to make it more rounded than the head/top of the bottle.

I didn’t get a picture of how I did the wings but here’s how:

I cut a piece of stiff felt into the wing shape I wanted and then wrapped the felt in my dark fabric, securing it with hot glue.

Love Bug doesn’t like the little fabric tuck on the face of the bat either so Frankenstein and Betty the bat just hang out together while Bug plays with the others.

And a creepy mummy.

I cut narrow strips of white fabric.

I took the strips and just started wrapping, hot gluing spots as I went.

The whole monster crew.

I love ’em. They aren’t too big, I like their look, they didn’t cost a cent because I used what I had and they are child-tested and approved.

Well, except Frankenstein and Betty.

Happy October!

Take care.

-amy c

Keeping It Simple

The Girl Creative

Sumo's Sweet Stuff


The Shabby Nest

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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