Bold. Brilliant. Beautiful. You.

Bold Brilliant Beautiful You | this heart of mine

My 2014 hasn’t started with the bang I thought it would. Instead of jumping around like Rocky when he makes it to the top of the stairs, I’m doing something closer to limping. Don’t worry though, I’ll live. I love setting goals but I’m still struggling with defining mine for this year. It’s unsettling. It’s part deciding what I ‘should’ do, part concern I’m reaching too far, dreaming too much and part ‘my Kindle is locked and loaded and I wanna read it’. I’m not ready to throw in the towel on the year quite yet however. :) There is still hope for 2014.

Some friends and I are starting a year long project today called Bold. Brilliant. Beautiful. You. As mamas, creatives, entrepreneurs and all around do-everything women, we believe it’s important to take time to consider ourselves. With everything else we manage, take care of and do, we know it’s imperative to remember our wants, hopes and dreams. Because we matter. We do!

When I started this blog, my daughter was a curly-topped 18 month old. I reveled in being a mom and was surprised I seemed to get it (I’m still surprised). But I felt like the me part of my being was disappearing or at least was being totally ignored. So, I jumped head first into creating this space despite knowing next to nothing about it. Web platforms, coding, HTML, photography, image editing. Nothing.

It grew, I grew. I learned a little bit about a lot of stuff and here we are today. I’m still dreaming and scheming, still learning and still googling everything I don’t know. Even when I’m tired and stressed and have taken on too much, I continue to be happy I took a chance on myself. I am thankful I fostered the creative side of myself. It’s who I am. The opportunities I’ve had, the joy I feel, the people I’ve met, the community I am part of, it’s all worth it.

Bold Brilliant Beautiful You | this heart of mine

So for this year, here’s what I’m thinking:

For boldness, I’m taking steps to bring a few offline ventures to life. They are both still very much in their infancy. I’m hoping after I get through the next few weeks, I will be able to get down to the ‘getting it done’ part. They both frighten me because I’m not sure what I’m doing. I lack knowledge on how exactly to accomplish them. But I’ll learn. I’ll figure it out. And I will enjoy the journey.

For brilliance, I am going to perfect the art of balancing this year. Haha! I’m just kidding. Perfection is not possible. However, I am going to work on finding harmony. I know how to work very hard. I also know how to completely let go (i.e. become the sofa and read endlessly). But there is somewhere in the middle, where there is work and play, rest and wakefulness, solitude and togetherness, and that is where I want to be. If I do happen to come upon a perfect formula, I’ll let you know.

And as for beautiful, I want it for my soul. I want to champion for the sake of others and their dreams. I want to support friends and strangers alike and lift them so they too can learn what they can do. I want my family to see love and acceptance when they look at me. And I want to be home for my children. Their guide, their example, their advocate. Forever and always.

Bold Brilliant Beautiful You | this heart of mine

But it’s hard to dream. Hope can be painful. I know it first hand. I have a dreams I hold close to my heart because if I took them out, the pain of their uncertain attainability shreds my heart to pieces. I know they will come to be someday but the fact that that time is not now is painful. Dreaming does not guarantee success. Big plans and hard work can still end in failure. But here’s the thing – we don’t have to do it alone. Bold. Brilliant. Beautiful. You. is to encourage and support each other. It’s to be that little voice at the end of the day that says ‘you can still do it’ when you’ve lost your voice. We can help each other.

So let’s breathe deep and dream big. The sky is the limit. You are worth it. You are worth believing in. You are worth taking a chance on.

Bold Brilliant Beautiful You | this heart of mine

Here’s where you come in. A call to action if you will.

Snap a pic of you, a selfie, upload it to Instagram and add the hashtag #boldbrilliantbeautiful. You can declare your aspirations for 2014 or just show the group your sweet face. If you tag me (@thisheartofmineblog), I’ll leave you a message!

I want to see you. I want to learn about you. I really do! I want to know what you are thinking, what your goals are for the year, what you hope to do for you. I want this to be an amazing year for both of us.

Bold Brilliant Beautiful You | this heart of mine

Throughout the year, I’m joining forces with some of my blogging friends to motivate and encourage ourselves and others to be bold and step out from behind the lens, projects, and mama status to show ourselves. That’s right, we’re doing something just for us.

And we’re inviting you to join us! Each of us has something bold, brilliant and beautiful inside. The #boldbrilliantbeautiful project is a support group for all of us seeking to be real and vulnerable. No judging, no questions, just support and words of encouragement.

imagine gants • casa crafty • Made with Moxie • Rajovilla
The Southern Institutesmall + friendly • Kids Stuff World
Classic Play • Buzzmills • Even If Nobody Reads This • Maker Mama

Be a part of the project by using #boldbrilliantbeautiful on instagram and twitter to find other women like you, who are looking to make 2014 their best, most authentic year yet!

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About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

43 thoughts on “Bold. Brilliant. Beautiful. You.

  1. First of all, be cuter, my god! Second of all I feel so honored to be a part of this amazing idea that YOU had! It is easier to dream when you’ve support! I can’t wait to see what this year brings for you – it’s bound to be amazing!

  2. Ok, first amazing portraits!! And second, thank you for being a great leader for this project and an inspiration! You are BOLD, BRILLIANT and BEAUTIFUL! Can’t wait to watch it all unfold :) xo

  3. Thank you, Amy, for encouraging us all to jump full in! I was apprehensive and unsure whether I could pull this together, but thanks to the support of this community I am ready to try! much love and thanks to you!

  4. what an awesome idea and post! you basically said everything i’ve been thinking since i had my 4-year-old daughter…i admire that you are able to use your creativity and make it into what you are/what you do. one day i’ll ditch this office job! but for now, i’ll be joining you. thanks for this movement. you’re not alone.

  5. “But it’s hard to dream. Hope can be painful. … the pain of their uncertain attainability shreds my heart to pieces. Dreaming does not guarantee success.”

    Amy, so many of us can relate without realizing that this is what holds us back. Thanks for sharing all of this. I could tell how heartfelt and honest this post is. So much we all wish for each other and for ourselves.

  6. Jen is right, you totally kick ass. I am better for having met you already, just think where we will be one year for now. As for not having your goals nailed down …. let’s define them together because I don’t even know where to begin! And to all you are taking on this year, I know you will succeed cause lady you are made of the good stuff. 12 more days my dear, 12 more days!

    P.S. Thank you for starting this and letting us be a part of it.

    1. You have a way with words, my friend. I’m sitting here with a silly smile on my face thanks to you. I’m so happy to have you with me on this. And it’s almost time to see each other for real! Yippie!

  7. So oddly cool and kismet-y. As I read Jen Cooper’s post and realized this is the puzzle piece I’m missing, I wonder who started this? I Google, pictures-click-wham. Hello, Christie. You rock and I’m right on in. Because now is the exact time for this. I am looking forward to my year knowing I’m not going it alone.

  8. Lovely Amy! Gorgeous photos and such an amazing project idea. 2014 is going to be rocked. Hard. Can’t wait to finally meet you at Alt soon too! xo

  9. So – one of your blogs has brought me to this whole idea and I’m now pouring through all of your blogs reading all of the goodness and being truly inspired! Thank you!! This is truly brilliant.

  10. Oh fearless leader, thank you again for encouraging us to own our dreams this year. I am so happy and blessed to have gotten to know you and can’t wait to see where 2014 takes you!

  11. Oh my goodness, Amy, those self portraits… wow! You’re gorgeous! Your vision for this project is just what so many of us didn’t even know that we needed. It’s hard, it’s scary, it’s a risk, but it’s all going to be so worth it. I have butterflies in my stomach just typing this. I’m jumping in and it’s all thanks to your brilliance. Thank you! I can’t wait to see what the year brings for you, friend!

  12. If I thought I was inspired a few weeks ago when I stumbled on this project, I’m really inspired now. This post really resonated with me. I’ve been taking more chances on myself these days, and while it hasn’t been the easiest road, it’s been the most rewarding journey I have ever been on so far.

    Thank you for taking a chance on yourself and starting this project. :)

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