‘For Like Ever’ Valentine Marquee

Marquee Sign for Valentine Day's | this heart of mine - Made with polymer clay!!!

It’s officially February! Bring on the hearts and ruby hues – the best parts of Valentine’s Day! And bring on a lovey dovey marquee sign!

As I shared on Instagram, I am so excited about this project. It’s been in my head for a long time, just waiting to be made. Now that’s it’s real, I like it even more. Polymer clay is one of my favorite mediums and it is perfect for these marquee letters. As I’ve explained before, polymer clay is an oven bake clay which comes in a variety of colors. It lends itself to endless textures and looks and when cured, holds it shape. I was overjoyed with how these turned out I immediately created more letters, though not marquee (psst, I shared an in-progress shot on Instagram). I’ll share those soon! If I can wait that long. :)

I know the phrase I chose might seem a little juvenile but it was short, to the point and I like saying it. ‘I’m going to love you for, like, ever.’

Marquee Sign for Valentine Day's | this heart of mine - Made with polymer clay!!!

Then, just for fun, an animated gif. Love Bug thinks this is the coolest thing ever.

‘It’s doing it itself?’

‘Yup.’ Nerdy mom for the win.

Marquee Sign for Valentines Day | this heart of mine


-polymer clay*
-printed phrase – here’s what I used
-pasta machine or brayer/rolling pin
-wax paper
-cutting blade
-string of lights – mine was a 50 light string

*For these letters, I used one color, Allzarin Crimson and created too lighter colors using Frost, a whitening tone.

Condition the clay. I explained how I do it using a pasta machine here. When it was very soft and pliable, I rolled the clay at the largest setting (9) and then laid it out on a piece of wax paper. The clay can be conditioned by hand by kneading it. It can be rolled out with a rolling pin or brayer

Next, take the printed phrase and lay it on top of the clay, smooth it out and trace the letters with the pencil. Even gentle pressure will make an impression on the clay surface. Cut out the letters with the cutting blade. Remove the excess clay.

Marquee Sign for Valentine Day's | this heart of mine - Made with polymer clay!!!

Plan out where you want the lights to be on the letters. I wrote out my phrase and planned out where each of the 50 bulbs would go. Next, cut out corresponding holes. I made a handmade stencil sized perfectly to fit the lights on the strand.

Marquee Sign for Valentine Day's | this heart of mine - Made with polymer clay!!!

Once all the letters are cut and the hole placed, reroll the clay, this time at a thinner width. I used 3. Cut the clay into 1/2 inch strips.

This is the tricky, tricky part. Take one 1/2 inch strip and wrap it around the edge of the letter. I placed the strip with 1/3 of it below the letter, 2/3rds above. Raw clay sticks to itself so no glue needed but it does require firm but gentle pressure. If it’s easier, line

Marquee Sign for Valentine Day's | this heart of mine - Made with polymer clay!!!

When all the letters are complete, bake until cured according to the manufacturer’s directions.

After the letters have cooled, begin to place the bulbs through the holes.

Marquee Sign for Valentine Day's | this heart of mine - Made with polymer clay!!!

Plug in and enjoy!

Marquee Sign for Valentine Day's | this heart of mine - Made with polymer clay!!!

Happy weekend!

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

19 thoughts on “‘For Like Ever’ Valentine Marquee

  1. I’m so doing this, I feared my version may not come out as amazing as yours did so I got alphabet cookie cutters.

  2. This is so amazing! One of the best Valentines Day DIY projects I have seen. Thank you so much for sharing! I’ve included your tutorial in my Five on Friday post today. Have an amazing weekend :)

  3. Amy-Christie, I have been around Valentines projects in this bit blogosphere for a few long years now…. THIS, THIS, THIS is thee greatest, Valentines Day, Polymer clay, and light up sign projects, I have ever ever seen!!!!!! Unbeatable! Class of its own! Phenomenal! I have never thought to do lettering projects with Polymer, How in the world did you come up with this?? Where did you get the inspiration? I HAVE to remake my own version. Thank you SOO much for sharing!

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