DIY Family Photos – Pushing Beyond Failure

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

It’s that time of year again: time for family photos! After sharing tips last year on DIY holiday photos, I’m here with a story that even if you follow the 5 tips, things can go wrong and not end the way you imagined. Our story does end well, thankfully. :)

We got snow early this year. Instead of hoping it all disappeared before taking photos, I embraced it and started pulling together parts for a winter family shot. Snowy background, expansive sky and our family, bundled up in winter apparel. Most of the clothing I purchased are items we actually will use this winter: hats, mittens, (homemade) scarves and clothes for the holidays. I find coordinating the items for a picture much more enjoyable than just shopping for shopping sake. Yes, I am no fun.

All our gear was assembled and I made plans with a photo friend of mine to snap a few shots of us. The morning of the day when we tried to get our photos first was lovely. Blue skies, not-unbearably-freezing temps and plenty of snow. Unfortunately, about 30 minutes before our go time, the sun disappeared behind thick, overcast clouds, the temperature dropped and the wind picked up. It was awful. Not only did my photographer’s hand almost freeze off but in the few shots we did get, my babies look as though they are being punished. Haha!

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine


So we tried again when we traveled to Iowa last weekend. No one was especially excited for this (well, I was), especially Sweet J. This time, however, the weather was much milder which was good but it severely diminished the amount of snow. The light was really muted as well which made for strange coloring. We forged ahead anyway; I knew the push back for a third attempt would be almost insurmountable. :) Instead of the white ground/sky background I pictured, we used an old brick wall instead. And it worked. Mostly.

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

Again, we were prepared, the children had been fed and were as rested as they could be and we hustled. But it was still a little much for Sweet J. As you saw in the lead in photo and this photo below, he just wasn’t feeling it.

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

At that point, I gave up on the idea of ordering a holiday card and took advantage of our well-dressed group. I loved this shot of Love Bug.

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

And I’m was so thankful for my photo assistants and had to get them in the frame too.

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

We continued to cajole Sweet J into taking one more round of photos, to just get that ONE shot to use. After some snuggles from dad, he agreed.

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

Here is our winner. It’s not the shot I pictured but I love it anyway.

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

Since we were already dressed, MJ and I had a few together too. Not too shabby for worn out 30+ year olds.

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

Oh, and I have something to tell you. :)

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

I meant to say something a while back, I swear, but it’s been a rough time this go around. It’s the main reason my posts have been so spaced out. Lots of ‘sickness’ and exhaustion. I planned on posting something around 20 weeks but then the week before, I had that whole surprise appendicitis/appendectomy event which threw me off. And honestly, since then, it’s seemed like one thing after another: J had the flu (the throw-up kind), my sickness continued (continues; something is off with my stomach), J had strep and a host of other road blocks. When you are trying to just put one foot in front of the other, there are things that fall to the wayside.

I’ve felt better as of late. Bigger, of course (I’m almost 28 weeks), but good. Then this week, MJ and I went to the hospital after I had frequent contractions for hours and they wouldn’t stop. There was no testable cause so instead of traveling for the holiday, I was confined to the couch in hopes they would stop. They have stopped for the most part and we are breathing easier.

I find myself wondering why we are having to deal with these surprise events, one on top of another. But then I stop; there is no use in wondering. I remind myself to keep moving forward, keep putting one foot in front of the other and believing I have the strength and the will to outlast whatever comes. I am so thankful for my family, both immediate and extended, and friends for their thoughts and prayers and helpfulness. Having dealt with our ‘events’, I have been reminded how amazing, and necessary, building one’s village is, for in times of need, they are there to lend a hand.

Winter Family Photos | this heart of mine

So here’s to taking family photos, no matter the outcome. You will be thankful for the memories in the years to come. And here’s to taking on life, head on, and loving the people who love you.

Life is grand.

I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday filled to the brim with love, laughter and fantastic food. See you in December! It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…. :)

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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