4 Things to Do While Waiting For Baby

4 Things to Do While Waiting For Baby with HP x360 | this heart of mine

This post is sponsored by HP x360

Yes. We are still waiting for Baby #3 to arrive. Despite my strong wishes otherwise, my body likes to eek out every last minute of pregnancy for all 40 weeks. I’m not too thrilled but Baby will come when it’s time. Between going to the bathroom every 15 minutes, my excitement level is making me antsy. So I welcomed the distraction to try out HP’s new x360 laptop with its cool 4 modes – laptop, stand, tent and tablet.

I’m not the best at learning new technology. New equipment makes my brain hurt. I usually lean heavily on MJ to learn it and then to teach it to me. With the HP x360, all I had to learn was which mode to it in and when. For extra fun, I paired each mode up with an idea on how to fill one’s time as they wait for a baby to arrive.

Work. (Or shop or Google random things.)

In laptop mode, the HP x360 it’s just like all the other laptops (with 3 other mode super powers, of course). Thankfully it fits perfectly on my very diminished lap. I love laptops for their mobility. I return emails and work on posts sitting in bed, in the chair, on the couch, on the floor, at the coffee table while sitting on our foot stool, you know, wherever I can get comfortable. I’m thankful for the flexibility while I am not in my most flexible state.

Cook! Bake! Eat! Repeat!!

It seems like everywhere I look right now, I find another recipe I want to try. Most of them are sweet things but that’s neither here nor there. Because I love cooking and baking, working in the kitchen is the great way to pass the time. And, in the end, I have something good to eat. Plus, standing upright is the most comfortable position at this point. In stand mode, the HP x360 is great in the kitchen. With the keyboard flipped back, I don’t need to worry about spills and the touch screen allows me to still scroll when I need to. I like it better than my phone because the screen stays awake and I don’t have to squint to read the text. I can’t decide which to make next: red velvet sheet cake, Oreo pudding dream bars or raspberry almond shortbread thumbprint cookies. Thoughts?

4 Things to Do While Waiting For Baby with HP x360 | this heart of mine

Look up stretches to combat the 3rd trimester aches and pains.

I’m so near the end and my body is stretched to the max. I used the HP x360 in tent mode to do prenatal yoga stretches. Of course, I do these stretches where no one can see me because I’m sure I look awkward amazing and I don’t want anyone to feel inferior so I pop the tent up wherever I can find some privacy and get the kinks out. Again, with the touch screen, I can start and stop videos and look up things even with the keyboard on the back side. Then, when I finish the stretches, I huff and strain to stand and then flop on the couch stand up straight feeling refreshed and renewed.

And finally, watch an entire series on Netflix. Yes, I said an entire series because seriously, yes, we are still waiting. There are so really good ones to get lost in. The tablet version, with the keyboard folded all the way back, fits right in my hand and when I finally get into a comfy spot, I can put the tablet exactly where I need it. When I need to shift 14 minutes later, the tablet moves easily too. My children think it’s the coolest thing. I can tell it’s going to be the go-to electronic for them to watch movies on too.

4 Things to Do While Waiting For Baby with HP x360 | this heart of mine

So tell me, how did you fill the time while you waited for baby? Or a vacation? Or the weekend?

This post is sponsored by HP. All opinions and ideas are my own. Thank you for being supportive of our sponsors. HP is partnering with Meghan Trainor on her “That Bass Tour”. You can follow along with the tour on the HP Meghan Trainor That Bass Tour landing page or follow @HP for updates!

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.