A Heart-y Party with a Folded Paper Heart

Folded Paper Heart | this heart of mine

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In my opinion, all that is needed for a great Valentine’s Day party is the color red and lots of hearts. Okay, maybe some chocolate (especially the homemade kind like Oreo Truffles). And a few homemade Valentines to share as well. But that’s it. Since red is my color and I have an affinity for hearts, I’m pretty much set to throw a Heart Day party any day of the year. However, because I am a traditionalist and like to celebrate holidays when they are actually happening, I wait and wait until February rolls around each year before I spring into action.

This year, I wanted a big statement heart for the wall and accomplished it using folded paper (more on that below). Thanks to real Wayfair people at Alt Summit this year, I have the most fun assortment of candy! Just perfect for the holiday. (Thanks Lindsey!) It’s fabulous candy but I hate to eat it because it’s so pretty! I used asymmetrical ice cream bowls from Wayfair (used for our ice cream social last summer) to lay out the candy. Their lopsided shape is perfect. I propped a few up on small glass bowls to give them varying heights. These bowls are actually one of my favorite purchases in the last year. Great for ice cream and marvelous this way too!

Folded Paper Heart | this heart of mine

I used a plain white tablecloth and two red place mats on the table. White really sets off red and I adore them together. I had to include the teesy heart garland I made because it’s oh-so cute. Here are similar red mats.

One thing I am missing is flowers. No, not dozens and dozens of red roses. Too cliche. Flowers of almost any other kind would do. I like them at this time of year because, finally, spring is on the horizon and I like to remind myself of it. I adore this hinged vase so much! Narrow enough to keep stems upright and flexibility of arrangement.

Folded Paper Heart | this heart of mine

I absolutely LOVE how the folded paper heart turned out. So, punchy, so graphic, so red! And believe it or not, it was very easy to do, albeit a little time consuming. If you’re not up for folding paper, these heart pillows, red with white and white with red, are a snuggly alternative.

Folded Paper Heart | this heart of mine

I used a pattern, available here, to score and then cut out pieces in various red tones. After folding each into a pyramid and turning the base flaps in, I arranged them into a heart shape and used small dabs of hot glue to adhere them to a white piece of paper.

Folded Paper Heart | this heart of mine

You could use double sided tape and stick each pyramid directly to the wall but since hearts are my thing and I want to keep it forever and be able to move it around, I used the white paper backing.

Folded Paper Heart | this heart of mine

And that’s it folks. Red, hearts and chocolate. Done, done and done.

Happy Heart Day.

Here are a few things I found, just for you:

Ice Cream Bowls | Hammered Mug | Hinged Vase
Heart Pillow | Heart Pillow | Basketweave Placemat

Folded Paper Heart | this heart of mine

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

3 thoughts on “A Heart-y Party with a Folded Paper Heart

  1. Thank your momma for leaving the candy at your house instead of sneaking it away in the night as she left your house to go back home…….,,.., : )

  2. I’m so in love with that heart that I want to marry it. I’m going to make one for my bedroom! I can’t wait! And I love that all moms sign up for accounts as “mom”. I made my mom change hers so she could enter my contests. ;)

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