A Snowy Christmas Photo Shoot

It’s Christmas card season. And per my current modus operandum, I procrastinated just as long as I could, managing to put off the photos until the first weekend in December. It’s not so much that I didn’t want them taken, I just knew convincing the rest of the crew would be an uphill battle.

But, it does seem it was timed perfectly. There was a fresh blanket of snow on the ground, that has now completely melted away, which transformed the world into a winter wonderland.

A big thanks to Danielle from Simple Marie for her clothing suggestions and theme idea. And an even bigger thanks to Dawn and her assistant K, for their willingness to hang out in the cold with us a bit to appease my ridiculous notions.

I should have known things were off to a rough start when Love Bug looked like this when we first arrived to our outdoor destination.

It was cold but not too bad to snap a few pics. MJ tried to cheer Bug up but she wasn’t too enthused with the snow.

Getting ourselves situated.

Love Bug was still not feeling it.

Sweet J thought it was alright. Bug, not on board yet.

Finally, some more cajoling.

Love Bug felt a little better.

But then we hit the real low point of the photo shoot. Yup, it happened. What a happy family memory!!

Lucky for her, her mom came prepared.

All is well in the land of winter white.

The standard kissy photos.

My favorite one of Love Bug. That’s the smile I love! But watch out! There is a hairy beast close by!!

Some brotherly love!

Then we set for a few children-only shots. Again with the hairy monster.


Best one. Sweet J even managed to look in the direction of the camera. :)

Then, new to the crawling game, J had to try out his skills. Being unfamiliar with this snow business, he didn’t know what to expect.

What the what?!

Me and my sweetum. Not too shabby.

Then we high-tailed it out of there. While we gathered up our stuff, Sweet J looked around, somewhat despondently, like we were going to leave him behind, in a sea of cold white stuff.

Help me!

It was a great time.

I say that knowing full well that there is not an audio or video recording of this photo shoot. If there was, that would not be my official statement. :)

Merry Christmas all!

Take care.

♥amy c

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

8 thoughts on “A Snowy Christmas Photo Shoot

  1. Absolutely beautiful photos! The snow is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to travel to a snowy location for my holiday cards!

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