Adventures in Homemake: Meal Planning, Part Deuce


A little series on topics related to homemaking and taking care of a family.

We’re talking meal planning again.


Since the last post, I still find it laborious and challenging. It’s still a bothersome task for me. That said, being on top of it, planning it ahead of time, is heaven. There is no waiting until the last minute to decide what we can make for dinner. Gone are the Sunday mornings when we try to plan the week, make the grocery list and get out of the house, showered and dressed for church by 8:25am. And with our newly implemented budget guidelines, we won’t be running to the grocery store every other day. Glorious I tell you.

I did figure out a way to make it a little easier to fill the menu and it ensures variety and enjoyment for all people under our roof. With a month calendar, either a blank one I fill out myself or one specifically for the present month, this is what we do:

– I fill out one day each week (like every Monday for example) with a meal I would like to have. Most of the time, these are the more complicated, time consuming recipes. I like to experiment and try new stuff so at least one day of the week is like that.

– MJ fills out one day for each week with food he likes.

– We help Love Bug fill out one day for each week too. Some day, when Sweet J is older, we will consult him as well. Not only does it help fill the calendar and guarantee at least one favorite meal, I hope in including them in meal planning they will develop these skills and it will help them later in life.

– The last two days are dedicated to super easy meals and inexpensive meals.*

*A big thank you to Liz from Carpé Season for these two. She shared her practices and they made so much sense, I implemented them!

Right now, having five planned dinners feeds us enough for the week plus the 2-3 lunch meals for the kiddos and me. With the planned meals and the leftovers, it is more than enough to cover. The menu calendar is not set in stone and it does not require exactness. We make whatever meal we want on whatever day depending on our schedule and our disinterest in cooking. Haha!

February ended last week so we filled out March and are enjoying the pleasure of having the month planned out. It feels really good.

So tell me (again):

How do you plan meals? Does this method seem helpful to you?

Take care.

Photo credit

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

3 thoughts on “Adventures in Homemake: Meal Planning, Part Deuce

  1. Thanks for the shout out! Glad what we do made sense to someone else and has been helpful :) Love the idea of letting your little ones pick a meal – guessing that’s got to help with pickiness in the long run if they’re taking ownership of being a decision maker on food!

  2. I just started using this fun site:

    You can add your recipes and make your calendar online. They make the grocery list for you (with the recipes you’ve planned to use) and you just check off what you already have in the kitchen. I’m loving it so far. And, they have a 30 day trial free. :)


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