Alt SLC 2014 – Real is Good

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

Most images by Justin Hackworth and Brooke Dennis, the photographers of Alt Summit. More found here in the Alt Summit Flickr stream.

Happy frozen Monday to you!

I am home, mostly unpacked and getting back into the motions of real life. Man, it’s hard. :) It was another great trip, like last year and the one in NYC. Having the opportunity to surround myself with individuals who do what I do, know the hardships and challenges as well as the moments of pure joy and are searching for ways to grow and stretch themselves is a treat untouched by most everything. It’s reinvigorating, exciting and just plain fun.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

My trip started out a little rough. Winter weather caused my travel to the airport to be slow which then made checking my bag, going through security and racing to the gate very stressful. Once I got on the plane, we sat on the tarmac for an extra 40 minutes or so getting de-iced. I was ever so glad when we arrived in SLC. It took all I had not to crawl over people just to get off the plane. But after that, things got so much easier. I stayed at the Grand America this year, the hotel in which the conference is housed, and it was a luxurious delight. I just don’t know that I can go back to simply ‘nice’ hotels after this. :) I roomed with three amazing women – Ali, Alix and Melissa – and while we could have used more sleep and more down time in our fab room, we had a lot of fun. Lots of laughs and silliness. I’m sad the time went so quickly. View from our 10th floor room and soap apparently made just for me. Or America. Whatever.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

One of my favorite connections this trip was with Red Stamp over the sponsor dinner on Wednesday night. It was a last minute change when I was signing up (the ‘Red’ caught my eye) :) but it was indeed serendipitous. Turns out Red Stamp is located here in the cities and their team is made up of very kind, fun and genuine women I cannot wait to see again here at home. Along with a few more MN-ers I met, I am excited for the blogger connections here at home.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

As I mentioned before, I spoke on a panel this year, a Being a Contributor and Hiring a Contributor panel. I was joined by Jenny, Melanie, and Kathryn and it went very well. I say it went very well because I didn’t pass out or become a mumbling bumbling fool. Amy for the win! The fear and anxiety I felt before the panel was at a level I haven’t felt in a very long time. While in the midst of it, with my sweaty palms and pits, I was very uncomfortable, however, I do love the feeling. It’s a sign I am pushing myself beyond what I’m comfortable with and I want to continue to do things that make me feel like that so I grow.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

After my panel was done, I just had fun. Mingling, chatting, learning, connecting. So.Much.Fun. The party on Thursday evening was hosted by Cricut and we were all encouraged to wear green. The numerous tones and hues were beautiful. Plus, getting a close look at the new Cricut debuting in March was fantastic. I got to chat with the CEO for a bit, all the while he wore a headband made possible with parts cut from their new machine. :) I was very nerdy and tried to get as much info about the conception and production process because I just love knowing that stuff. I was very inspired at the attention to detail and subsequent pride they feel for their new product. They worked hard and it is amazing. Having fun with Alix and Hailey.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

The mini parties were Friday evening. Many of my friends hosted parties this year and I enjoyed seeing their work come to fruition. They all did a great job. Again, it was fun to talk and laugh and do ridiculous dance moves together. Me and my bed mate, Ali. Our roommate, Alix, had a hand in this flower party.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

I wore my homemade tulle skirt and I unabashedly told every person who commented on it that I did indeed make it. :) I was sad to take it off when the evening ended. I’m writing up the steps for a future post and am on the look out for another reason to wear it.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

So now what? I’m back to reality, the noise, the mess, the responsibilities, what was the take away?

First, it’s the pursuit of doing things that scare me. I want to push myself, to keep growing, to keep stretching myself. The deep waters I launched myself into with this blog a few years ago have become familiar. I still love the work and my connections but I need to find the deep stuff again. Really get the adrenaline coursing. Not sure where it is but I’m searching. Posing.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

And secondly, it’s the reminder of how amazing it is to be real, all the time, with everyone. The outside might be coiffed, Spackled and wrapped in something pretty but connecting on a real level about real life is so moving. Maybe it’s wearing pajamas down to the lobby when most are still dressed in their finest (let’s be real – jammies are more comfortable than Spanx and heels). It might be sharing birthing stories with other moms or trading experiences of working with the same company. It’s sharing the fear of the struggle to finding a direction and meaning in our work year after year. It is also cry-laughing in a corner of the hotel bar way past midnight about the absurd behaviors of our spouses. All of it feels so true and genuine.

In sharing the real and the true, the illusion of perfection is obliterated with no feelings of failure on my own part. I know in my heart of hearts no one is perfect but sometimes I can convince myself I am the only one struggling, schlepping along, failing. But perfection IS an illusion. No one attains it. And we are all beautiful in spite of it.

Alt SLC 2014 - Real is Good | this heart of mine

So now, I’m back to the grindstone. I’m back to the workbench. As I try to remember how to keep up with my children, I have a head full of ideas, plans and dreams I hope to get laid out in the next few weeks. It’s exciting and scary at the same time. But I’m headed for the deep water and seeing what happens, imperfections and all. And it’s going to be grand.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

13 thoughts on “Alt SLC 2014 – Real is Good

  1. Oh I loved reading your recap. I only wish we had spent more time together! And you missed it- I wore red!!!! It was so much fun connecting with everyone and I hope we meet soon again.

  2. I really enjoyed the Contributor panel and I would have never have guessed any of you were nervous! You did a great job. And the following day, someone asked me to be a contributor to their site so I was able to put your advice to work immediately. So thank you. :) Loved the tulle skirt and looking forward to the tutorial so I can make one for next year.

  3. Amy, what a wonderful recap, from the crazed communte to the performance anxiety, to the delicious and silly tidbits. I love seeing how this experience was for you. How nuce it was to meet you and to see that you are as strong and beautiful as I had heard, and funny too- which is a cool bonus! Here’s to staying on task, getting back to real life, and making it all happen!!

  4. Great recap, and I especially love the first shot on this post! I wish I had been able to attend your panel, there were so many great seminars and I kind of panicked! Hope to connect with you soon.

  5. Great recap Amy! I especially hear you on the lack of sleep but for all the best reasons – I too wouldn’t have it any other way :) I can also tell you that a highlight for me was being able to really sit and talk with you. Right at the end. It was just so great to connect and I look forward to seeing what your future – and mine – holds. I’ll be looking you up this summer when I’m up in the twin cities for sure!!

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