Before We Go…

The weekend is here. And I’m not ready yet. I have about 14 tabs open in two different browsers, trying to finish up work related tasks as well as personal ones before MJ gets home. It was a busy week. We spent our time outdoors, away from home, thus the list of things to finish today. I’m looking forward to the long weekend though I still can’t believe September begins tomorrow.

What are your plans for the holiday?

Links to check:

  • Have you ever heard of the Alt Summit (I’m going in January!!) or the Alt Channel, a place with lots of fun classes for the creative types? I just took a fabulous graphic design class last night with Laurie Smithwick of UpsideUp. It was just so good, I had to mention it.
  • This video made me cry. I couldn’t help it. I love music. via Design Mom
  • Football season is set to begin! And it’s not just for the players but the refs too. I liked this guy’s integrity and dedication to his job, albeit, a part-time gig.
  • This adoption story is all the better through the lens of this blogger. via Design Mom, she just shares the coolest articles

Things For Which I’m Thankful:

  • new space, new arrangements, the feeling of new-ness in a familiar place.
  • beach time, pool time, sunshine and friend time.
  • saying good-bye, to the college-bound and weary loved ones.


Have a safe and happy holiday.

Take care.

Photo of a conservation group’s animal presentation at the Lake Elmo campground when we pseudo camped last weekend. More on that next week!

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

One thought on “Before We Go…

  1. It’s Ashley’s blog and her adoption story that I was telling you about the other day! Totally great story, right? Have a fantastic weekend!

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