Another week come and gone. Hurray for the weekend!
I am thankful for a weekend at home although I’m certain my to-do list is longer than just the two days. Any chance next week is a national week-long holiday?

Sweet J is 11 months now, I can’t believe his first birthday is next month already. Sweet boy! Unless he hits me in the foot again with the remote, then I’m dropping the sweet part. It really hurt. :)

Links to check:
- I want to go on this picnic. Free printable too.
- Can’t get enough cauliflower and dip this week.
- I spent a looooooong time perusing these sites. Good thing since we have some important birthdays coming up. :)
- ‘The hardest job in the world, is the best job in the world.’ – a video.
- Interesting posts, and subsequent comments, on nakedness, breastfeeding and kissing. What do you think?
Posts from the week:
Take care.