Our week has been cold, gray and dampish. We even had the first (giant) snowflakes of the season yesterday. I am really hoping for some sunshine soon. I need it.
With the inclement weather, we spent the week inside. I painted up a board with chalkboard paint and the kiddos really enjoyed it. Check out Sweet J’s new pose! The chalk dust is not fun however. It’s been so long I forgot how dusty chalk is. :)
Links to check:
- I absolutely love this homemade halloween series of costumes!
- Real 35mm film double exposure photography. Beautiful.
- Temporary polka dot tights? Genius!
Things for which I am thankful:
- Hot tea, hot chocolate, seat warmers, thick blankets, all things warm.
- Giggling with my children.
- The weekend!!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Take care.