We had a big week. Love Bug finished her first year of preschool which means summer is here. Not by way of weather, however, we’ve had a wet couple of days. I think the grass and garden are going to just explode with the next bit of sun we get.
But rain is good. I like rain. I dragged the children out in it yesterday. Sweet J didn’t know what to make of it and Bug was alright with it, as long as no mud touched her. :)

I have lots of fond memories of rain play when I was little. It’s just fun. I really wanted to go for a run in it yesterday but someone had to parent.

Links to check:
- Have any spring rhubarb? I tried this muffin recipe and it was a hit. Sweet J enjoys
eatingobliterating them for breakfast.
- Harvard ≠ stuffy and uptight. They do fun just fine. At least the baseball team does. Haha! It just makes me giggle.
- My friend Delia has a Mamarazzi series going on right now. A mamarazzi is a photographing mama. :) Lots of tips and tricks on photography from focus and lighting to taking pictures of children and self portraits.
- We are still eating the ‘chicken ring‘ as Bug calls it and we still love it. Have you tried it yet?
- I loved this use for Instagram (or other) pictures.
- This IKEA hack is pretty amazing. I want one.

Posts from the week:

Something new!
Things For Which I’m Thankful:
- For sunshine and rain.
- For friends. The kind where you can spend all evening sitting on their kitchen floor, talking and laughing about everything. Thanks C!
- My sweet, sweet children. They drive me nuts sometimes but as I look at pictures of them on my computer, I’m getting a little teary-eyed. I just love ’em so much.
Next week will be a little lighter here on the blog. I need a little time to get our summer in order, my art work production organized (The show goes up in August!!! Eek!!) and Love Bug’s birthday is coming up fast. I’m not sure when or if I’ll post but if you’re curious, just drop on back by.
Have a great weekend and holiday.
Take care.