Birthday Dollhouse

For Love Bug’s birthday (two weeks ago already!), our gift to her was a dollhouse.


After initially deciding to build her one similar to John and Sherry’s version, I was searching on Craigslist for dollhouse furniture when I opened a post and changed my mind. For $30, we would get an already assembled, but unfinished Victorian-style dollhouse with two bags of furniture. To pick it up was a little bit of a drive but for us, it was a sweet deal.

This is the only picture I have before I painted it. I wanted more but this is real life. Sometimes things just don’t happen.

We had some difficulty getting it ready for the big day because, well, Love Bug is always around and doesn’t nap. But, we did get it cleaned up and got the exterior painted before giving it to her on our return from the zoo. I removed most of the window panes and interior trim to paint them. I want to wait until we put up wall paper before I adhere them again.

I choose the color palette. Even though I knew she would request pink and purple, I wanted something a little less overtly girly, less ‘princess’ house, more ‘real life’ neutral with little bits of her favorite colors. Victorian houses make for fun, structurally detailed homes.

The interior is just as blank as the outside was.

In time, I am hoping Bug and I can work together to decorate. I’m envisioning some fabulously patterned wallpaper (read: scrapbook paper) and wooden floors (read: want to try wooden craft sticks).

With our purchase came two bags of mismatched furniture, varying in size, style and scale.

We may search for a few other sets, maybe something more for the kitchen or a better couch, but the house is pretty full already and it hasn’t stopped playtime. I have a few updates in mind for the furniture, some paint, new fabric for the bedding but for now, they work.

Soon after we presented her with the house, Bug had moved in her fairies, a few Barbies and a dog and cat Beanie Baby. She even invited me to play with her. What a treat! I wasn’t able to get her set-up photographed because a few days before these pictures, Bug had a friend over and I think they played ‘moving day’ – everything had been removed. :) So this set up isn’t authentic. Maybe next time.

There will be more to share on this in the future. I’m excited for the challenge and the opportunity to work with Bug.

Did you have a dollhouse when you were little? Do you still have it?

Take care.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

2 thoughts on “Birthday Dollhouse

  1. Omigosh! I just bought a similar dollhouse with furniture at a garage sale for my little girl. I had a dollhouse growing up, a yellow Victorian that I played with so much. I want to do my little girls up with wallpaper and decor, too. Your paint job is amazing!!

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