catch {29} Photo Shoot

Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn’t, but I added a new photo at the top of the  sidebar.

See it now? Ahhh, yes.

Well here’s how they happened. Because we all can comfortably assume that MJ was not the photographer of these. Why? Exhibit A.

Maybe two months ago, after some professional creeping by me again on Facebook, I came across a blog by a college friend of mine, Kristine Erickson. I had perused her photo albums before and loved the look and style of her photos but it was through the blog, called catch {29}, that I realized she was studiously working on refining her craft.

How could you not fall for these shots of her nephew and niece, I mean, Superwoman and Clark Kent?

I went on to message her about her sweet blog and inquire how life was. It’s always wonderful to reconnect with people you enjoy and admire. I asked if she was willing to take a few shots of me for my use and she consented.

Back in college, Kristine was one of those people who looked beautiful all the time. Beautiful hair, stylish dresser and sparkling eyes to go with a beautiful and sweet personality. Thankfully, not much has changed. She is just as beautiful, just as stylish and continues to be a just as beautiful and sweet on the inside.

After working for five-plus years in the business world, Kristine found she was unsatisfied and needed something else. She has a curiosity, talent and passion for photography and is currently reevaluating her path in life. As someone who has done quite a bit of that reevaluating stuff, I can relate.

If you can’t tell, we managed to pick one of the windiest days ever. My circle skirt (tutorial by Dana at Made) went everywhere, along with my hair. But we made it work and had fun doing it.

We met near the Farmer’s Market in St. Paul and walked until we found light and textures we liked.

It’s safe to say that modeling is not for me. I am an awkward photo subject, more comfortable behind the camera than in front of.

Thank you Kristine for making me look as good as you did.

I’m laughing here because, after stating that this parking lot between two tall building would probably be sheltered from the wind, I was abruptly shown otherwise. Silly wind.

Again, thank you Kristine for photographing me. Check out her blog here.

Take care.

-amy c

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

2 thoughts on “catch {29} Photo Shoot

  1. I agree, you look fabulous! She did a great job and the shots look very natural. I would look like an awkward dork. It’s so uncomfortable in front of the camera, that’s for sure! Way to be brave!

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