Celebrate the Little Things

Celebrate the Little Things | this heart of mine

Munchkin_Ctlt 200This post is sponsored by Munchkin. Thank you for being supportive of our sponsors.

This week of the Celebrate the Little Things baby shower was fun! Our week started with the welcome ribbon chandelier followed by the gourmet PB & J bar and the bright and fun table decor and finally, I rounded out the celebration with printable thank you notes. Pipsqueak is almost two weeks old already; time is already going too fast. Celebrating him and our new family of five really warmed my heart.

Thanks for following along this week. I really enjoy collaborating with good friends; Jen, MJ, Melissa and Ali help elevate my creative process. On top of that, we partnered with Munchkin and their team made this all the more fun and enjoyable. We have quite a bit going on in our life right now and this celebration was a bright spot.

Starting next week, I have guest posts lined up while we finish our move and I rest up a little bit. But I will explain more about that on Monday. Happy weekend!

Munchkin rids the world of the mundane by developing clever, innovative solutions that make family life safe, easier, and more fun. You can find their products at Munchkin.comTargetBabies’R’UsWalmart, and Amazon. It’s the little things!

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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