Choosing Joy

I’m a bit tired.

On top of waking more during the night, which I’m associating with teething, Sweet J has been serenading MJ and I in the wee hours of the morning. He likes the sound of his voice and is learning about all the pitches he can make. It’s so darn cute, it’s hard to care about the lost sleep. But headaches and eye pain are not fun. Also, Love Bug slows down for no one.

My house is a mess.

Toys, art materials (for Love Bug), play food and kitchen stuff, dress up clothes, clean clothes ready to be put away, magazine tears and a cardboard box, which changes from a drum set to a car to an airplane to a washing machine at the drop of a hat, lay around house for someone to take the time to put away.

We get to pay for more fun stuff! Similar to the AC fun we had in July.

After our twice-a-year furnace/AC check-up, it was recommended that we purchase a new furnace to replace our really-old-in-furnace-years furnace. Boo. Not as in Halloween but boo as in, this stinks to high heaven. First, we don’t want to spend the money. Second, we don’t want to spend the money on something outrageously fun like a furnace. Something boring, like a vacation or furniture or shoes sounds better. And third, we don’t want to spend money on parts of a house that we hope (pray, beg, plead) to not be in much longer. But what are you going to do? I hear frost bite is painful.

But it’s all okay.


Because last night, when I was in snuggling my Bug in her bed, we starting giggling, the real kind of giggling, for a reason I can’t even remember. I could see her little face illuminated by her stuffed turtle nightlight and I thought to myself, wow, I am the luckiest person in the world to be here with her at this moment. The mess, the bills, my endless list of ‘to-dos’, even my exhaustion was lifted away. There is no where in the world I would rather be than in that barely light room with her, giggling about nothing.

And not to be outdone, in the early morning hours, while in full concert mode, I clicked on my little light to see what the heck Sweet J was up to. Sweet J quickly focused his eyes and gave me one of those full body smiles that make you feel like the king of the world. And he threw in grabbing his toes for good measure.

It’s all about perspective, choosing what is important and then choosing to be filled with joy no matter what. Life is pretty wonderful.

So excuse me while I step over the mess and snuggle with my babies. I would pay someone to clean the house but instead, I’m buying a furnace!

Take care.

-amy c

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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