Cotton & Vinyl Pouch

Cotton and Vinyl Pouch - Zipper Pouch Series | this heart of mine

It’s a Zipper Pouch Series and it’s all about fun fabric variations of the easy zipper pouch shared a few months ago.

Instead of a cotton and vinyl pouch, I reeeeeally wanted the post title to be cotton and leather but I’m a chicken. I still consider myself a novice sewer and while I aspire to sew with leather, I feel like I need a bit more practice with non-cotton fabrics. The solution for me: vinyl. Now, vinyl can look leathery and maybe to the untrained, unsuspecting person, you can pass it off as leather but, in our heart of hearts, we know it’s not the same. Despite its non-leather status, these pouches look pretty chic.

The extra padding of the vinyl inspired me to make much needed cases for a few of our electronics. I also made myself a legit sunglasses case; I feel cool.

Cotton and Vinyl Pouch - Zipper Pouch Series | this heart of mine

After sewing these pouches, I feel more knowledgeable and a bit more practiced. So join me. Be brave and let’s do this.

Cotton and Vinyl Pouch - Zipper Pouch Series | this heart of mine

These pouches are constructed using the easy zipper pouch steps. The only change is with the two pieces of outer fabric – they are combo pieces, part cotton, part vinyl. For my pouches, the split was close to 60% vinyl to 40% fabric. You can decide what percentage split you like.

Here are a few tips on sewing with vinyl:

Use a leather needle

Vinyl is thicker and tougher than regular fabric so use a leather needle on your machine.

Add an iron-on stabilizer if needed

Vinyl does not stretch like fabric and with use (not to mention during sewing), the fabric could end up looking wonky. I did not use a stabilizer on three of the bags but the herringbone fabric I used with the camel-colored vinyl stretched a lot. Adding the iron-on stabilizer kept it from stretching everywhere and gave some strength and form. It gives the overall pouch a more solid look.

Always top-stitch

Adding a simple line of top-stitching where the cotton piece meets the vinyl piece adds a lot. Without, it sits funny and looks handmade. With it, it looks finished and high end.

Cotton and Vinyl Pouch - Zipper Pouch Series | this heart of mine

Re-squaring your fabric

With the stretch of fabric and the non-stretch of the vinyl, you may find it helpful to re-square your fabrics before the final step of sewing everything together. It will help keep the pouch lines straight.

Add length to your design

If you are sewing a pouch in specific dimensions for a specific item, add extra to your length and width. Vinyl does not stretch like cotton and without the extra space, the item might not fit. I’m not saying this happened to me but you should save yourself the headache and make it bigger.

Make sure to line up the cotton/vinyl lines

It just looks better.

Cotton and Vinyl Pouch - Zipper Pouch Series | this heart of mine

When you have all the parts ready, follow the steps on the easy zipper pouch tutorial to create the pouch.

Cotton and Vinyl Pouch - Zipper Pouch Series | this heart of mine

Have you sewn with vinyl? I’d love to hear your thoughts or advice!

More zipper pouch variations to check out:

printed fabric pouch – painted fabric pouch – made fabric pouch

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

2 thoughts on “Cotton & Vinyl Pouch

  1. Hello! I love your pouches and would like to try to make sone myself, and to follow your blogg.

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