Doodle Fish Bowls with Design Mom

Doodle Fish Bowl with Design Mom | this heart of mine

If you follow me on Instagram, you saw the weird face fish pic I shared last week. The fish were purchased for a really cool DIY I did with Design Mom – fish bowls with custom doodles! I am happy to report all three(!) fish are still alive. Two have been named super complicated names by my children like Ninja Bad Guy Car and Elsa Ana Sugarbuns. I named the third one Douglas. We are amazing at naming things.

Doodle Fish Bowl with Design Mom | this heart of mine

Anyway, this DIY is super easy because we took care of the hard part – the doodles are downloadable and free!. Head on over to Design Mom for the full details.

P.S. Fish are pretty strange.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

4 thoughts on “Doodle Fish Bowls with Design Mom

  1. At the risk of sounding like the scrooge of DIY (I’m already known as the crazy fish lady) I hope you are soon to be purchasing a proper tank for these guys or to be returning them to the shop you bought them from and telling them off for not asking if you had a fully cycled 30gal tank ready.

    Goldfish are the messiest of all fish! (tropical are much easier!) If you still want to use these tanks you *could* swap those fish for 3 minnows (per tank) and it would be somewhat permissible but not ideal. (or there are those cool nanobot fish! )

    If your interested this is one of the better resources I’ve found for goldfish care.

    1. Han is right… goldfish really aren’t suited to live in bowls (although those in the pictures are definitely very cute). I learned this the hard way when I won a feeder fish at a fair and brought him home to live in a bowl, where he died within 1 week =( I was crushed!!! Unfortunately for us, they have to have a much larger tank to do well in the long term. This article really does do a good job of explaining why goldfish can’t live in bowls:

      I could spend all day on that site because I too am crazy about those adorable creatures!

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