Family of Five


After so much impatient waiting, our sweet babe, Pipsqueak Shadow, finally joined us last weekend, making us officially a family of five. We are definitely in love. This week was filled with snuggling and staring for long periods of time at his sweet face. And naps. I’m in heaven. Pipsqueak Shadow is the nickname Sweet J’s came up with months ago and it stuck. I think it’s pretty perfect.

In the following weeks, I’m taking a break while we get a handle on this family of five situation, pack up our house and try to find our new normal. Thanks to the kindness of my talented friends, I have guest posts lined up to share plus a week long baby shower series celebrating our new addition starting next week! I’ll be popping in with a post every now and then. Where will we be? I don’t know quite yet but I’m keeping the faith that all our unknowns will become knowns in time.

It’s been a big week and I am so thankful for your kind words on our new family member. You guys are the best.

Happy weekend!!

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

7 thoughts on “Family of Five

  1. Such a honey! Oh my goodness, he looks so squishy sweet.
    I’d love to come meet him and bring you all the food and meals you can eat with one hand.

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