Fleecy, Flowery Pillows

Thought about the post title ‘Puppy Pelt Pillows’ but I didn’t want to inadvertently alert PETA.

I had some leftover fleece after making the puppy costumes for Halloween and decided to whip up some very simple pillow cases for the pillows that reside on our couch. The previous covers we had were made from material I picked out but came to learn made not-so-comfy pillows.

Fleece is definitely cozy. Plus, it’s a nice winter fabric which is perfect for the coming months.

It does stretch and get wonky after some snuggling or tossing or stepping-stone-bridge-making by Love Bug but that is easily remedied.

I made the cases one day and then added the flowers a day later while MJ was at work. When he spied then upon his return, he asked what kind of seed grew on fleece.

The pillows, again, are very simply made because simple sewing + Amy = doable. Just a square for the front and two over lapping squares for the back. Here are two links, here and here, for similar patterns if you need more direction.

The flowers are inspired by the ones from Delia’s ear warmers. Simply stack concentric circles of fleece and hand sew together, making sure to tug it tight in the middle to create some inner curl. Then I hand sewed them to the pillow cases.

I like the flowers just as much on the pillows.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Take care.

-amy c

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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