{Foto Friday} Family Pictures & A Milestone

Last weekend, my family got together down in Iowa at my mom’s. Weekends together always go by so quickly. Lots of food (hello red velvet!), lots of screaming and running (the little cousins), some snow play, tutorials on how to work a new TV/Blue-ray/DVR set-up, not enough sleep (although that is not travel-weekend exclusive for me) and, of course, pictures.

It was a bit chilly and some people (tired Sweet J) were not excited about picture time but we got ‘er done.

The family, in a little red, black and gray.

To take advantage of the neat brick wall backdrop, I snapped some other pictures. My sister, J, and her boyfriend, Double D, in their matching black and black.

Double D had some sort of eye issue and his facial expressions were funny.

So sweet.

I loved this picture of my brother and his family because my nephew, on the left, thought of this pose and got his family to follow suit. Plus, he kind of looks like a pirate. ‘Arrrrrrrrr.’

Then a more traditional pose.

Mom and PC.

After helping me with my skirt pictures, my mom, sister and I snuck a couple more.

It seems Sister and I forgot one of the two of us……

The children weren’t the only ones to have fun in the snow.

Then a few shots of life this week.

Sweet J is walking. Everywhere. He looks a bit like a cowboy who has ridden his horse too long with his bowed legs. But if you watch him for a bit, you can see him growing and improving right before your eyes. It is amazing.

Also amazing is how he manages to carry things and walk around.

My little Juliet. Oh how she loves to dress up. Juliet from the movie, Gnomeo and Juliet.

This shows Sweet J’s stature. He LOVES the vacuum cleaner and follows MJ around the house as he cleans. I think it’s so cute.

And for the milestone.

This might look like an ordinary pitcher to you but it is indeed a big deal.

Look at my baby.

To help encourage her independence, we bought a small pitcher to keep in the refrigerator so Love Bug can get her own water. It’s something they do in preschool, plus she drinks a lot of water. :) She loves doing it herself and feels so grown up.

I am feeling a bit obsolete, however. It’s part of being a mom, I know. Slowly but surely, children need their mothers less and less as they grow and become more capable. It’s part of life. The hardest part though is that I will always remember when I was their whole world (well me and MJ), when I was the person that made the day happen.

This process only goes forward, there is no pause button. So hold your babies close. For in no time at all, they will pour their own water.

Excuse me now. It seems I am needed. Bug can’t open her yogurt and Sweet J is getting into the garbage cupboard again. Mom to the rescue!!

Happy Friday!

Take care.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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