{Foto Friday} Holiday Rewind

The holidays have come and gone. It always amazes me how quickly they go. I have to share today a few shots of holiday-ness. Not so much trees or gifts, but everyday life stuff, which I like better. :)

Through a combination of new crawling skills and the all-day baking/cooking I was doing, Sweet J found a new treasure trove of goodies to explore.

Not pictured is the noise that stainless steel bowls can make. Wow. It’s deafening.

Love Bug worked hard right alongside me, setting up her own work station to get things done.

She dressed to impress too. Silk scarves are wonderful playthings.

Not all play times are get-along-times but this day was. I heard giggling from Bug’s room and went to check it out. They were really enjoying each other. I love J’s face. Umbrellas are so cool!!

Little out of focus but I liked it anyway.

Creativity is messy.


Sweet J and his new jammies looking cute.

On Christmas Day, we traveled to Wisconsin to celebrate with MJ’s family. We met and ogled our new nephew, too. I know this sounds silly but I don’t remember our children being that little! Baby N is such a peanut!!

MJ and I weren’t the only ones to ogle. Sweet J had been trying to get his hands on Baby N from the beginning and we stopped him every time but this one. Whoops. Baby N was unharmed.

My mother-in-law had the magic touch. Twice, she successfully got Sweet J asleep like this. We tried to duplicate it. No dice.

I redid the reindeer pics. This was my final attempt though. I had to really squish Sweet J in and I just don’t think it will fit next time.

Just want to squeeze him!

The holidays are one of my favorite times of the year because MJ takes an extended vacation and I LOVE having him home. It always goes by too quickly and I am pretty bummed when real life resumes.

Here’s how one afternoon passed. I forget how long he is. :)

My family gathered in shifts for our Christmas celebration the weekend of my birthday. My dad made us aprons by himself, with a little helpful guidance. He even picked out the fabric himself and matched them wonderfully to the recipient.

The obligatory birthday candles. Since we didn’t have 30 candles available, I settled for five which is a multiple. Gotta be technical with this stuff.

Bug found the goodness in licking the green frosting.

We have a very expensive piece of equipment to block the stairs while Sweet J scoots around. Love Bug was headed outside with MJ but stopped to play peek-a-boo before she left.

It was really sweet.

Then, later on New Year’s Eve, we noticed it was snowing. Not just half-heartedly snowing but huge, snowball size flakes. I grabbed my camera, pulled on my boots and scurried out. It was magical.

The only source of light was the street light on our road so the subject matter isn’t beautiful but the flakes/snow globs are.

Others were outside enjoying it as well. If I’d been alone, I might have been tempted to run through the streets yelling ‘Merry Christmas’ like Jimmy Stewart’s character George Bailey in It’s a Wonderful Life.

What a way to finish out the year.

Hope your first week of the new year was amazing. I’ll be back later with the winner of the giveaway.

Have a happy weekend.

Take care.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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