{Foto Friday} Homecoming & PJs

Last weekend, we did a whirlwind trip down and back to MJ’s and my alma mater for homecoming. It was a pristine fall day and the trip was a well worth the hours in the car and the dead-beat-ness the following day.

To kick things off, we had a quick lunch at a fresh water spring in town. My family visited here when I was young and my siblings and I used to climb all over the rocks. Love Bug’s first question to me when we pulled up was, “Mom, did you bring my swimming suit?”

Ah, no. It’s a bit chilly for that. But we did check out the trails.

Managed to snap a quick family pic on the trail. Sweet J was intrigued by the leaves. Or sunshine. Or something else way up in the sky.

We ‘watched’ the football game. ‘Watching’ included chatting with friends and family (G&G J joined us, as well as fellow alums, MJ’s sister and brother-in-law, J&H), hitting the book store, more talking, getting a cookie, playing house in the bushes nearby and, in Sweet J’s case, taking a nap in the middle of things. Such a trooper.

After the game was over (we won!), I requested a family picture on the field.

A little different from eight years ago. Again with Sweet J not caring about the photo. He needs some training.

Then we visited the beautiful art building, again for me and my heart was filled seeing my favorite professor and some enjoyable alums.

A trip wouldn’t be complete without a trip to the Whippy Dip, the bestest ice cream stand in the world.

And with our tummies full of sugar and our heads spinning, we headed home. What a good day. We all slept pretty hard that night.

Then on Monday, MJ stayed home with us and we had a pajama day.

MJ and Bug played their toss-a-ball-in-the-air-and-catch-it-before-it-hits-you-in-the-face game.

It always includes lots of giggling.

Sweet J rocked his Packers footie pajamas.

He still finds my camera distracting/scary so he’s not very cooperative during photos. Here he noticed I had the camera out again and he’s thinking about feeling sad.

Then he had to cough.

Which led to some sadness.

Which ended in complete and utter agony.

Poor poopsie.

Not to end on a bad sad note, here are the only two sweet shots from an attempted photo shoot.

I think Love Bug was running up and down the driveway, probably singing her lungs out. It’s hard to compete with that.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Take care.

-amy c

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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