{Foto Friday} My Funny Valentines

It’s Friday again!

It’s been one of those weeks. One of those weeks where it doesn’t end. Where it takes all day to complete one task, you know, in addition to feeding, clothing, cleaning up and cleaning up after, playing with, rocking to sleep and doing anything else necessary to care for two young children.  One task that, left alone, could have been completed in much less time. Too much running around, too many evening obligations, too many shenanigans and not enough face time with my spouse. I am thankful the weekend is here. Of course, it too is chock-full. No rest for the wicked, right? :)

But Valentine’s Day is next week already and since I had my little heart set on making some heart-themed duds for my children, I did it and then forced had them sit for me while I took pictures.

My first funny Valentine, my Sweet J. Gosh, I just love him.

This shot is a little over-exposed but I loved his little face.

When I was editing these shots, I got a little teary-eyed. My babies are growing so fast. Sweet J doesn’t really look baby-like anymore.

He’s such a big boy.

He was entranced by the sky through the window.

For him, I free-hand painted a graphic heart shape on a white onesie. Nothing too frilly or foofy. :) I also added a little detail on his pants, which you can see a little bit below and…

you can see more here.

His newest trick? Walking. Yup. Just shy of 9-months and he’s walking. We thought it was a possibility, Bug started right before her 9-month mark too, but we didn’t expect it and we didn’t expect that he’d work to beat Bug’s record. Bug started about a week before 9-months, Sweet J about two weeks before 9-months. Younger siblings…. :)

Aunt L – Still trying to nab a video. He doesn’t like to do it on command. We tried once and he tried to run to me as I held the camera. He face-planted and bruised his little chin!

And my second funny Valentine, the one and only Love Bug.

She is going through one of those phases where she gets really goofy in front of the camera. Gone is her real smile, replaced by a really exaggerated one. I had to work really hard to get the pictures I got.

I love her sweet face. She is growing too fast as well. I often catch myself staring at her, searching for the baby face I once knew. It’s getting harder and harder to find.

For her, I took a black shirt and stitched on three blocks of white jersey (from a white t-shirt). Then I free-hand painted (with fabric paint) a bunch of hearts and then used a Sharpie Paint marker to add the line detail. The white blocks are even despite how it appears in the pictures.

To get her to forget about that goofy smile, I started asking her questions. Like what her favorite animal is. It’s Harriet, her giant horse.

And why? Because she’s a good horse. A nice horse.

For her pants, I added a little heart detail as well.

I attempted two, and only two, shots of both of them together. Both epic fails.

In one, they decided to crawl at me.

When I reset them, I got this one. It almost looks like two photos edited together. Bug is being goofy and J looks like he was asked to do long division. Or to say the word ‘cat’.

I gave up and just let them be.

This is a better shot of Sweet J, his onesie and his pants.

One final creation: a happy Heart Day crown.

Love Bug loves wearing crowns and playing dress up and really loved the idea of a red one. She was showing me her really long blink skills during these photos.

It is a simple felt crown – red on the outside, white on the inside. I sewed on two lengths of swirly black ribbon and then a line of a felt heart garland on top.

More long blinking.

Definitely a funny Valentine.

I did make one more Sweet J’s size. He just kept taking it off, something he likes to do every since he learned he could take things off his head. The only picture I have is one taken the day before.

My prince.

Any heart-covered clothing you’re working on, have, like?

Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week!!

Take care.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

6 thoughts on “{Foto Friday} My Funny Valentines

  1. I love Bug’s shirt….and the crowns are adorable! I keep saying I need to learn to sew but I’m terrified of it!! Great projects.

    ***After my 3rd, CAPTCHA try, hopefully this will work. I swear my eyes are not meant to read those things.

  2. Love the varied and original Valentine’s Day crafts! You’ve inspired me to get out the old sewing machine again….thanks, I think…(heh).

    Wasn’t that a great class at Alt last week? Feeling inspired? Taking any more? I have a few more in the hopper.

    Hope you had a good weekend…

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