{Foto Friday} Year Pictures and A First Day

Just last week, the children’s 12 month and four year pictures were at last checked off my to-do list as done. It’s so belated for a list of reasons, with the heat this summer as number one. The other main hiccup in getting it done was that Sweet J has had scuff marks, bruises and scrapes somewhere on his face since his birthday in May. I feel so bad! It’s like his head is a magnet for corners, walls, toys and the floor. As his mother, I have contemplated wrapping his head in bubble wrap or covering all possible boo-boo-makers in foam and cotton balls.

But finally, at the urging of other mothers of the walking injured or the thumpity-thumped young children, we went for it. So glad we did. Within 24 hours, J had two purpley lumps on his forehead, a scratch between his eyes, a scuff on his chin and a purple mark on his lip.

It was a beautiful night. However, my little subjects were not feeling inclined to cooperate.

This is how things went for the most part.

Lots of giggling, laughing and running away from me.

It’s alright. I loved watching them.

In an attempt to get Sweet J to stop for a moment, we told him we saw a dog. The right side picture is his ‘dahg?’ face.

I got this angle quite a bit. Luckily his curls and flips were on my list.

Every day, he’s less a baby, more of a little boy. Even with his dimpled elbows and fat wrists.

He did look at me once. Whoo hoo! Too bad he was far away from me and I had my fixed lens on. Haha!

Then there is my curled-headed dancing girl. Such joy. Such light. And so helpful!

After chasing him and trying to capture him as he ran by (all which turned out blurry), we had to call on the professional for help.

She is the real deal. Four years of training and she is my secret weapon. And Sweet J wouldn’t just stand there so the bear hug was necessary.

But J loved it. He thinks Bug is the coolest.

More laughing ensued.

The one on the right is my favorite. I can hear the giggles.

I did bring a second set of clothing because I was looking forward to cool weather clothing. While my subjects agreed to the outfit switch, their cooperation dropped off substantially.

An actual dog and its owner walked by on the park path. So.Exciting.

And Bug tried to work with me. The little goofball.

My sweet babes.

Sometimes professionals have to give tough love. Ha!

But, the troops were done. Time had expired. The rest of the shots include at least one grumpy face so we called it quits.

Little do they know that we will be gearing up for holiday photos again soon. :)

To finish up, this past Monday was Love Bug’s first day of preschool. This year we all, MJ, Bug and I, decided every day afternoons was the best option for us, though I was the slowest to agree. Bug really loves having something to do each day and was very excited for the school year to begin.

I had a hard time agreeing with the every day. Initially it sounded good. Bug is a busy girl and she so enjoyed the two days a week she went last year and more is better, right? But as the school year got closer and closer, the more anxious I got. The thought of my little baby young lady going every day seemed like too much. Where had the time gone? Every day? How are we here already? All my mind did was rotate images of the day she entered our world intermixed with shots from a day in our future when she leaves our home for good.

When Sweet J and I walked her into her class, I remained happy and excited for her. As I knelt down to hug her, I tried to relay her a message with my eyes about how deep my love is for her, how proud I am of the person she is growing into and how sad I am that she is growing up so fast. I might have also tried to tell her that I really wanted to snatch her up and take her home with me to stay forever.

But she didn’t get any of it. She hardly had time for the hug and was off to start her class. I lingered by the door, still trying to tell her things with my eyes. Then J figured out she wasn’t coming with us and he wasn’t staying with her. He got a little emotional so we left.

The day went well as have the subsequent days. We are still adjusting to our new schedule and figuring out how the days needs to play out so all stay happy.

That night at bedtime, it was like she knew what I was feeling or maybe she felt the change too. When I tucked her in, she asked me to lay with her and snuggle. I asked her if she could stay little forever. She thought she could. I asked her if she thought she could stay small enough to fit in my purse. She giggled and thought she could do that too. So I held my not-so-little first born in my arms and tried to live in the moment.

For all my anxiety, I didn’t shed any tears. Any tears, that is, until the end of the day, when the house was quiet and I was alone in my work space. Then the sadness got to me. The sadness parents feel as their child grows up and away. The bittersweet realization that time walks on, no matter what. Nothing stays the same. That even though the natural order of things is for the parents to guide and prepare the child to one day leave the home, it’s hard to accept, for me at least. I want to keep them with me forever.

My mom shared comforting words with me, ensuring that there are many, MANY more joys to come. And though the fat-wristed waves and the requests for bedtime storytelling might not last forever, I will see and remember those things each time I look at my children’s faces. So, while I grieve the loss of my babies, I won’t let it keep me from finding joy in their growth. I know what a blessing it is to be their mom, even for this one bright, shining moment.

With that, have a wonderful, wonderful weekend.

Take care.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

4 thoughts on “{Foto Friday} Year Pictures and A First Day

  1. I just stopped by to catch up on your blog, and saw this post. I feel exactly the same way. I want to hold their little bodies close to home and never let go. Thank you for sharing. I love the new blogsite as well . :)


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