Getting the Family Healthy for Baby

Getting Healthy for Baby with Clorox® | this heart of mine

This post is sponsored by Clorox—helping you find the joy in making a mess.

Normally, we are a fairly healthy family. No big sicknesses, rare doctor visits, very few prescriptions. In fact, the nurses at our doctor’s office commented how they missed seeing us except for the yearly check ups. Well, this winter has really messed up our healthy streak. Lengthy illnesses, back-to-back infections, numerous doctor appointments on top of my increasingly frequent prenatal visits… It’s unfortunate the clinic doesn’t have a frequent visitor card. We’d definitely be in prize territory by now

Now at the end of my pregnancy, I worry a lot about bringing home Baby to our “winter of sickness.” As a mom, it’s one thing to be sick and miserable yourself, but it is ten times worse to watch your child suffer. And I don’t even want to think about our littlest family member having to grapple with anything we’ve experienced thus far. However, with two children in school environments, I know we are in an ongoing battle with the germs that could make us sick.

Getting Healthy for Baby with Clorox® | this heart of mine

While we wait these last few days before Baby arrives, I am in a heightened nesting mode. I may have threatened to toss all our belongings into a pile and burn it to the ground just to rid the house of our ongoing sicknesses. In my defense, last week I had an ear infection, conjunctivitis in both eyes and a cough. I couldn’t hear, smell or taste food – I think going a little crazy was totally justified.

I remember looking around the house one night while the children were sleeping and wondering where the sick germs were lurking. Our table? Their toys? The couch blankets? How I would be able to keep up with it all without following my children around and scrubbing down everything they touch? But then an easier route came to mind: Clorox® Regular-Bleach. It’s disinfecting power kills 99.9% of germs and bacteria. 99.9%! While my sweeties slept, I wiped down surfaces and rinsed their favorite items in Clorox and felt good because I knew they were clean. I washed our bedding with a little Clorox® Regular-Bleach to make sure all the night-time coughs and germs were good and gone (plus it made my creamy sheets really bright!).

Getting Healthy for Baby with Clorox® | this heart of mine

While we anxiously await Baby, we are thankfully feeling better, in all ways possible. Okay. I am still uncomfortable. :) Sickness and germs are a part of life: Sweet J is not going to remember to sneeze into the crook of his arm every time, and those uncovered sneezes and coughs will continue to spread the yuckies from person to person to person. But life goes on. Babies and children (and adults) need to be snuggled and enjoyed, play needs to happen and I’m not going to miss those moments. Cleaning and disinfecting don’t have to be huge undertakings and there is no need for fire. Clorox makes it easier to clean and you can trust that things are really and thoroughly clean.

Living life: 1. Germs: 0.

This post is sponsored by Clorox. All opinions and ideas are my own. Thank you for being supportive of our sponsors.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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