This time of year always brings weddings and wedding showers to mind. A few years ago, our weekends from now through September were filled with celebrations like these. I always enjoyed getting together with friends and family but choosing a gift stymied me. But no more. Here is a collection of fun and fabulous gifts to for this celebration season.
1 Babell Tiered Serving Tray | 2 Dotty Match Potholders | 3 Crate & Barrel Footed Cake Stand
4 Dotty Match Apron | 5 Painted Amaryllis measuring cups, spoon rest and butter dish
6 Amazon Dreams Pitcher | 7 Poppy Ring rolling pin, pie pan and brownie dish
Take care.
This board was put together by my friend, Laura. Laura is one of those people who always looks chic and sophisticated and knows where to find the best stuff. It could drive one to jealousy if she wasn’t such a wonderful person. Because of her impeccable style and taste, I begged for her help. Going forward, Laura will be putting together inspiration boards on various topics. If there is anything you would like to see, be sure to comment below or email and we’ll see what we can do. Welcome Laura!
Lovely! Thank you both for your time to get this together, everything is just beautiful. I keep thinking about the tissue paper poppy magnets done up large and put on the walls for a party. I wish I had girls instead of teenage boys for doing things like that.