Hang On Longer

Gold Star Garland | this heart of mine

I can’t believe January is over already! At first it seemed to drag on and on but then, all of a sudden, it’s ending. It was a hard month for me. After taking time off from Christmas to New Years, I struggled finding my rhythm again, my motivation, my drive, my interest in working. I fussed and pouted because I just wasn’t ‘feeling it’. As an adult, I know most things in life need to be done whether or not we ‘feel’ like doing them (cleaning, taking out the garbage, potty training, jobs, etc) but I find the process of creating nearly impossible when I’m feeling at odds. I can do it but it doesn’t feel the same and it’s not as easy.

But I’m not one to give up very easily. I spent time thinking, brainstorming, dreaming big and then coming back to reality so when my trip to Alt Summit rolled around, I was feeling better about things and the directions I’m heading. There is no replacement for the inspiration and energy of creatives and I got a good fill of it at the conference (though I could always use more). :) Even the rough re-entry to real life this week hasn’t daunted my enthusiasm to continue. It has made me question my sanity, made me wonder if I should invest in ear plugs and a housekeeper, but I am revved up for life. This life. My life.

In the end, life is messy, literally and figuratively. There are ups and (way) downs, there are times of cloud soaring and times for mud flopping. I want to smother my children with kisses and snuggles and, at the same time, I want to toss them out in the snow. We have to have both the high and the low or we will become complacent. We will forget how amazing the good times are. So we have to work. We have to hang on just a little longer. We have to believe in it, stick with it and things will come around. I know this isn’t the last challenging time I will encounter but I am now better equipped for when it comes around again.

Thus ends the soapbox for this gorgeously sunny, yet bitingly cold Friday. :)

Finally, some goals and aspirations for this heart of mine for 2014:

-Keep making
Cause it’s what makers gotta do. The tutorials might not be one on top of the other like they have been in the past (for my own sanity) but I promise at least one a week plus a recipe. Making is a part of me so I’ll keep doing it.

-Share a little bit more about our real life, through photos.
I want to improve on my photography of people skills and what better way than to photograph my peeps.

-Keep stretching myself
I have searched and found some endeavors that frighten me and I’m going after them. I want the challenge, the intrigue, the nearly-out-of-reach-ness of them. When they are ready for sharing, I will be posting about them here.

I’m not signing out for the weekend because I will be back tomorrow with a DIY. I am so excited to share it I can’t wait until next week!

Take care.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

9 thoughts on “Hang On Longer

  1. This post was really encouraging. I am not a “maker”, but I’ve been in the same funk (right word? I don’t know) for the last month. We just gotta hang on. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Amy, it’s a relief to know that I’m not the only one who struggled through January. I’m also relieved to know that it’s normal to want to simultaneously snuggle your dependents and then toss them out into the snow (mine’s a dog, but hey). I think you’ve got it right — in the end, you just have to keep on rolling and eventually you get your momentum back. I’m right there with you.

  3. It’s funny – I just did my own goals/aspirations for the new year too! It’s encouraging to see the goals of other makers. I’m just starting to really tap into my creativity and maker spirit. Thanks for sharing!

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