Just sharing some pictures of recent happenings at our house.
First let me introduce my companion for the last few days. And yes, she wears it when we leave home.
I don’t know what the outfit is supposed to be but Love Bug really likes it at this time.
I purchased some really cool materials today for a couple of projects I plan to do.
A bunch of felt and some streamers. Exciting!! More to come on that.
First cup of hot chocolate.
First time (and hopefully the only time) a Zhu Zhu pet and Love Bug’s hair meet.
No hair was lost and no Zhu Zhu pets were injured during this experiment.
I only laughed a short time.
Hope you all are warm and well.
Take care.
-amy c
So glad to laugh as I stress my way through the week. I am trusting that all will work out even when it seems as though it will not. Thanks so much for the windows into your lives.
I’m lucky I have boys with short hair. I did read the warning label on our zhu zhu pet to keep them away from hair. I almost didn’t buy it because of that, but Bryant had been talking about zhu zhu pets for months before Christmas. I am happy that no hair was lost to your little Love Bug.