Keeping the Spark

Keeping the Spark

Today, I’m stepping off the cliff. As I said in my goals for this year, I feel inspired to explore topics about real life, things beyond DIYs and recipes. From motherhood to marriage to making a home, there are a number of subjects to discuss and in talking about them together, I think we can learn from each other and live better. Up today, keeping the spark.


MJ and I have been married for eight and a half years, with the half falling right on Valentine’s Day. We met in college, married in the August after graduation and moved to the big city, a good distance from either side of our family. A few years later, Love Bug joined us and Sweet J a few years after that. We have a good life.

Beyond that, I think we have a good partnership. We are fairly low-key, simplicity-loving homebodies, each with our own stubborn streak. He annoys me with his juvenile behavior and I drive him insane with my inability to be punctual. (Each and every Sunday I am on the receiving end of a lecture about time management.) :) We love to laugh hysterically about truly ridiculous things. We think a good date night is a dinner and movie enjoyed from the comfort of our over-sized couch and we very rarely exchange gifts for any of the holidays. We are the same kind of weird and we like it.

However, we want our marriage to be more than just a parenting team. More than a pair of people who work together to ‘just get through’ everything that real life entails. We want to make sure the initial spark we shared all those years ago stays bright.

With this series, I hope to start a discussion on how to keep that spark in a marriage for the long run. To stay in love with each other despite the busyness of life and the craziness that comes with raising children. There will be a sharing of ideas, link inspiration and maybe a story or two. Of course, it would be all the better if I could hear from you. :)

So, tell me, what do you do to keep the spark with your significant other? Date night? Love notes? Maybe your spark is needing recuperation.

Whatever your place, come on back. We can all help each other.

Take care.

P.S. I’m trying a new schedule – two posts each Wednesday! So check back later for more good stuff. :)

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

15 thoughts on “Keeping the Spark

  1. I love that you’re doing this! I would love to learn from you. This topic is always on my mind. Also, are you kidding me? You’re GORGEOUS. Thought that when I met you in person, too. I cannot believe you’ve had two kids!

    Here’s my tip: Don’t wear a top knot every day. I do and it makes me feel not so pretty and feeling pretty and put together goes a longgggg way. Ha!

    1. Haha! I LOVE your idea. I do the same thing. It’s hard to get all made up when I have no where to go. But you’re right, I do feel better when I look nice. And thank you for your kind words! That made my day!!

  2. I LaLaLove this idea! I was reading your post and could not stop thinking how much your relationship resembles ours, except that we’ve been married for 11 years and together for a total of 17. That’s a long time and we surely could use a little help keeping the spark bright. We often get so caught up in the day-to-day of raising our boy, making dinner, and paying our bills that we forget to nurture our spark….

    And I agree that a good place to start is making the effort every day to feel pretty! I tend to gravitate to ponytails, which isn’t bad but is such a waste considering that I pay good money for a great haircut! I started making the effort last year to wear my hair down more I do do feel prettier :) This year I’ve started curling my lashes. I never wear make-up and I’m lucky in that my lashes stay curled all day long, so little things like this make a big difference for virtually no effort!

    1. We too get caught up in just getting through the work week and obligations of life. It does take some intentional time management to take care of each other.

      And I am on board with treating yourself good. I know when I treat myself better I am better for others.

  3. I am excited about this series too! My husband and I are approaching our 10 year anniversary and with our blended family, will be empty nesters the same month. I think we have a great relationship but would love to add more spark (or at least keep what’s there). Looking forward to reading this! :D

  4. I so enjoy your blog Amy! Zach and I keep it alive by date nights (right now every week), by swapping with friends so we don’t have to pay a sitter! It’s great and gives us a chance to communicate. For us, communication is key! :) And, my 2012 Mixbook has just been shipped….I do the exact same thing to organize pictures! After the end of each month I work on it so I don’t get too far behind! I love Mixbook as well. Tell the fam hi :)

  5. It’s important for me to go to bed at the same time as my husband every night. For us, that’s a valuable time to unwind, talk about our day, and laugh together. And it’s a tangible way for me to show that my relationship with my husband is more important than spending an extra 30 minutes working on some project. :)

  6. How lovely!
    And darling, August 18th? We just celebrated our 6 month wedding anniversary on Valentines day. Hooray for being wedding anniversary buddies!

    It may seem simple, but there has never been a day go by that we don’t say I love you. Those three words mean so much, and are always soothing to hear.

  7. Lol oh my gosh. I’m sitting here in bed and it dawned on me that February 14th, not 18th is valentines! Oi! I think I got confused since we has to celebrate valentines on our 6 month anniversary since I had dance on the 14th. Silly me.
    But yes! Hurrah for August weddings!

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