We’ve had some big changes this year thus far. A new family member, a move. And those changes have brought about lots of lesser though nonetheless altering adjustments to our way of living. The location of our residence is new which has affected how we run errands, where we run errands and how we handle things like dropping off a car for maintenance. We could walk to the garage we use from our old house but now it takes a tag team effort and car swapping to get it done. We now have three children and a different distribution of supervision. There isn’t a lot of alone time happening for either MJ or me. We know it won’t always be like this but it is something we miss. And wow, there are a lot of needs to meet.
It’s been frustrating making so many changes all at once. Some days it feels like I’m going against the current all day, like I’m wading through wet, sticky mud, just slogging along. I’ve had thoughts like “if I just wait for ______, it will be easier” or “when _______ happens, it won’t be such a bother”. But I know if I wait for things to be just right, I’m going to spend a lot of my life in a holding pattern. And I’m not one for waiting.
I suffer from the condition of having an endless list of things I want to do and see and make and learn. I never lack for things to do. If I wait for the perfect time to do anything, I’ll never get started. Running with three children in tow? Not ideal. Not the vision of the focused but peaceful runner in the commercials. But it’s what I have to do if I want to get back into it. Build a business from home? It’s not the gorgeous studio I dream of and there are a lot more toys and children noises than are ever shown in magazines, Pinterest and Instagram. But it’s what I want to do so I’m going for it.
Life is a mess. It’s dirty, loud, chaotic and filled with surprises, both good and not so good. We can’t wait for everything to line up perfectly. The waters will never be perfectly calm. So just do it, go for it, begin. Work in the rain. It’s refreshing.