Low-Cal Ice Cream Sandwiches

Okay, to be honest, the blog title should read Low-Cal “Ice Cream” Sandwiches. It’s not actually ice cream but you can’t tell.

They are so simple. And so delicious.

Just two ingredients.

Chocolate graham crackers and Cool Whip. Regular, lite or fat-free works.

One large tub of Cool Whip and two sleeves of graham crackers makes 1 cookie sheet of sandwiches.

Cover a cookie sheet in foil.

Break the graham crackers into squares and fill the cookie sheet. Put a dollop of Cool Whip on each cracker.

I’m sure you could measure each dollop but it’s easier to just wing it.

Top each dollop with another square.

Put in the freezer until frozen.

The Cool Whip freezes and the graham crackers become soft, just like the chocolate on a real ice cream sandwich.

If you have extreme self-control, one will satisfy. If you don’t, there are plenty more.

To store, wrap individually in wax paper or foil, stack carefully in a freezer bag or container or leave on the cookie sheet – they don’t last long at our house.

This blogging thing is hard sometimes. :)

Take care.

Remember to enter the giveaway from yesterday!

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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