Making a New Home

Making a New Home | this heart of mine

As of today, we’ve been living and sleeping in our townhouse rental for 10 days and officially free of home-ownership for five. With so much else going on – Pipsqueak’s birth, Sweet J’s surgery and, you know, real life – the gravity of the sale and move hasn’t hit me. It all still seems a bit surreal. The rental we are living in is slightly bigger than our house but the layout is different. The main floor is made up of the living and dining areas, kitchen and quarter bathroom and the upstairs has three bedrooms, two bathrooms and a loft area. Moving, for my brain, has been an organizational nightmare. Just getting our things from one house to the other was ridiculous and seemingly endless process. Then, on top of that, we had to work to make sense of our things in a new space. We definitely had our work cut out for us.

From laying out the new kitchen, to purchasing extra garbage cans for our extra bathroom to what exactly to take out of the boxes and what to keep packed because, yes, we are hoping to purchase a house in the next 6 months and move again, we’ve been making lots of changes. It’s led to some confusion like where is the pizza cutter and where are the markers but we are figuring out. And the changes don’t end there. Pipsqueak is here now and there is baby stuff to fit in. Clothes, car seats and a place to put the dirty diapers. Thankfully there is no confusion over where to put the stink – Munchkin‘s Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail is in full use.

Making a New Home | this heart of mine

The Arm & Hammer Diaper Pail by Munchkin has been so helpful. Ready-to-use straight from the box, all I had to do was unpack it, pop the lid and toss in the diaper – the first bag is already there! The lid holds a refillable cartridge that dispenses baking soda to absorb odors. Combine that with the 7-layer bags and the air stays odor free. And there are no cartridges to buy when the baking soda runs out. Just fill with your own Arm & Hammer Baking soda. Easy!

Making a New Home | this heart of mine

Sweet J thinks it’s a pretty cool contraption. I like it’s neutral color and sleek design; it is inconspicuous while being helpful. And, since I’m doing lots of things one-handed at the moment, I found this pail really easy to use and relocate with my one free hand. I wish everything was so easy.

We still have a ways to go until organization is restored. If you come over for a visit, do not look in the garage. Or if you do, don’t judge us. We’ll get to it. Sometime soon. But right now, I’m going to snuggle my Pipsqueak and MJ and watch Sweet J and Bug play in our new space. Because anywhere where they are is home.

This post is sponsored by Munchkin. Thanks for being supportive of our sponsors. 

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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