Welcome! Things are a-changing all over the place! I’ve got a new address (thisheartofmineblog.com, make sure to bookmark it!) and a new look, just for fun. However, it’s still just me blogging about food, projects and life. Two out of three ain’t bad…
Thanks to my favorite computer friend, BH, everything was seamlessly moved from one place to the other. He works his magic and ta dah! So thankful for all his work and patience with me as computer/web design is not my strong suit.
I did create the header and found the background design myself after reading up on a couple of blog/header design posts on Dana’s blog, Made. The posts shared links to various background design site, font sites and lots of tips on thinking outside the box. She even posted a tutorial on how to create graphics in Microsoft Word, proving that anyone can make a header, even without big design programs.. There is a lot of neat stuff out there. So many possibilities.
In other news, Sweet J has been here with us for three months now. Crazy how time flies. He’s happy and healthy and oh-so-chubby, which is my favorite baby attribute. I am so glad he’s here, in our home, in our family. And I am excited see more of his personality emerge and I’m happy to wait patiently.
Take care.
-amy c