Painting the House & Other Ordinary Things

Painting the House & Other Ordinary Things | this heart of mine

Happy Leap Year! I hope you are enjoying this extra day. I know it’s been a little quiet around here lately so before jumping back into posting, I wanted to catch up a bit with you.

We started painting the house. And by “we”, I mean 98% me. It was my idea to repaint, I get it, I’m doing the work. MJ thought the as-is colors were fine, albeit boring. But wow, painting is a lot of work. Especially with children. Especially with a little monster. We are painting the woodwork too which adds five additional steps to each room (de-gloss wipe-down, filling holes and cracks, primer and two coats of white paint). It becomes a bit of an obsession. I know every little bit that I do is a little bit off the to-do list. I absolutely LOVE the finished areas but my heart drops to my stomach every time I remember how many walls and trim there are left. Haha!

The pump is almost our reality. Back in January, I mentioned MJ and I were heading to our first pump class (Pump 101). We’ve now completed another class, three sets of intense records and some other math homework. We hemmed and hawed over what pump to buy, made our decision, ordered it and now, the real thing is sitting in our hallway cupboard with three months of pump supplies. On Thursday this week, Love Bug will be officially hooked up to her new pink pump. I’m ready but overwhelmed, excited but nervous. Thursday will be seven months to the day when Bug was diagnosed. Life is a funny, funny thing.

Painting the House & Other Ordinary Things | this heart of mine

I’m working on a few different projects I will be sharing with you in the days, weeks and months to come. I’m excited about them but nervous and anxious. This creative business, especially a self-employed, self-directed one, is both the best and worst. The best because the sky is the limit! You want to do the work and bring something to life, hooray! Do it! The worst because the sky is the limit! What the heck should I do? What is the best choice? What if I fail? I’m going to give a go and see if these wings will hold. More to come on that!

And with that, I think we’re caught up! How are you? What’s new for you? What are you dealing with?

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

8 thoughts on “Painting the House & Other Ordinary Things

  1. Love how your house is coming together! and I’m in love with that wall color. What color is that?

  2. Amy, the house is looking terrific!!!!! I’m beginning a bathroom remodel… and while NOT doing all the work myself, I am repainting the vanity and walls…to go with the new standing shower we decided on!!! It’s a very small bathroom but it seems to be taking forever to get the painting done!!! Hope everything goes well with the pump and LoveBug…positive thoughts and prayers for you and the family!

    1. Thank you, Marci! A bathroom remodel sounds so fun (in the “it’s new and better way”, not “so much work” way). :) And I’m jealous! I want to gut our rose bathroom and make it all new and better. Haha! And small rooms don’t seem to equate less time, do they?! Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. Have a great day!

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