Quotable Quotes

So, this is how out of it I am.

It was my plan to do a monthly post on quotes I find and like. I started off with spectacular fashion in September. Days fly by and finally, I think, man, it’s time for another quote post. I checked what I posted last time and realized it was eight weeks ago! Seriously. I could have sworn it was half that.

Oh well. Time flies when you’re having fun right?

On to the quotes.

This is one of my very favorites and a reminder to use what God gave us, use it all.


On a side note, as a columnist and humorist, Erma Bombeck has a bunch of other great ones. Here’s the link to the Wikipedia page on her. There is a list of quotes by her at the bottom.

I enjoy quotes so much, I had to try my hand at creating some quote images. Below is one I am currently using in the signature portion of my personal email account. Gratefulness is so important.

I too believed this falsehood. The ‘real’ one looks like more fun anyway.


This is so true. Which is why, even thought almost a year and some odd months have passed since the storm, Love Bug still talks about ‘when the lights went out’ whenever there is rain.


Another truth.


And finally, one more by me. My mom recently set this quote to me, one we have appreciated before. This time when she sent it, I remembered this photo of Sweet J and I and thought they would fit together.


I did have some funny ones but they included expletives and since my grandma reads this (hi, grandma!), I keep those to myself. : )

Have a lovely day.

Take care.

-amy c

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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