Rainbow Mosaic Cake

Rainbow Mosaic Cake 1

Guess what I did yesterday? I successfully drown my smartphone in the washing machine. It was pitiful. Pitiful!!

After working out, showering and getting myself and the little ones dressed, I cheerfully tossed my robe in the washing machine with a small load thinking how nice it would be to wear a freshly cleaned robe after my next shower. I started the machine and we all headed upstairs to get on with the day.

After a few moments, it hit me that I didn’t have my phone in my pocket. I felt a slight sense of foreboding. I checked where we dressed, checked down in the cushions of the chair I had yet to sit in, I checked my desk. I called it a number of times from our land line but I knew. So I went down to the machine, swished my hand around the bottom and found the stupid thing. I had left my phone in the pocket of my robe. Not cool.

Going forward, I will have to be on my guard against cheerful laundry thoughts and always check for my phone. :)

But on to brighter, more colorful things, like this cake!

Rainbow Mosaic Cake 3

After the Golden Birthday Cake, my love for cake decorating was reignited. When we were young, my sister and I took a course on it during College for Kids, a summertime learning experience in my hometown. Nerds that we were, we loved it! Most of my creations were before digital files but there is film negative evidence of them, like the cake I made my brother that reflected the spiky dyed blonde hair he was sporting or cakes with way too many roses (they are so fun to make!) and more recently, the golf ball cake for my grandpa.

This month, with the emergence of bright tones and the rainbows of St. Patrick’s Day, I thought a rainbow cake was the way to go and I wanted to use almond bark to do it. Instead of buying seven bags of candy melts, which would have been quicker and easier, though not by much, I chose to use one pack of almond bark and icing colors. After mixing in the colors, I spread the tinted almond bark on wax paper to cool and harden. Then I chopped it into uneven squares. (I used this cake and frosting recipe.)

Rainbow Mosaic Cake 2.1

Then I just started sticking. I thought about arranging the colors like pie slices but I settled on stripes. I’m glad I did though photographing it was a challenge. I couldn’t quite get all the colors in one shot.

Rainbow Mosaic Cake 4

Love Bug just about fell over when she saw this cake. She actually made me laugh out loud too when she snuck some and then tried to tell me she hadn’t even though there were cake crumbs all over her face. Made me feel good despite her thievery.

Rainbow Mosaic Cake 5

Now, going forward, once a month, I’m planning on sharing a themed cake, just for fun. Now, if anyone would like to eat these cakes, we are looking for volunteers. :)

Take care.

P.S. I did get a new phone though I still feel sick about ruining the old one. Glug, glug, glug….

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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