Snack Spot

Happy Monday to you!

Love Bug is very independent and likes to do things herself. Getting dressed, putting on shoes, brushing her teeth, opening a cheese stick, clipping her car selt belt, putting on her bike helmet… you name it, she wants to at least try it herself. This carries over into getting herself snacks.

It started with Bug wanting to bring me the box or bag of snacks and a bowl to put them in so I could dole out snackies in said bowl. Then it was that she wanted to pour the snacks herself. And then made the light bulb go off – pre-bagged snacks! Easy for her to get herself without any interference (or clean-up necessary) from me.

But then, I had to figure out how to corral them all.

That’s when I decided that I needed to retire this old gal.

Many a cake/bar/casserole has been made in this in the past seven years (MJ and I got it as a wedding gift.) The pan had done her work and needed a change of scenery. So bring on the paint!!

First I sanded the pan a bit to roughed it up (even more) and to remove any food grime.

Then I coated it the whole thing with a Rust-Oleum white primer and then coated the inside of the pan with Rust-Oleum’s white satin spray. I let that dry overnight.

The next day, I taped off where I wanted the color division with painter’s tape. I also attached the letters for S-N-A-C-K-S to one side. Then I gave the whole thing a couple of shiny coats of can’t-miss-me-red (actually, it’s Rust-Oleum’s gloss colonial red).

I don’t really know how I got the crackle to come but I like it! Sometimes accidents are happy. : )

I got a little antsy but I waited too long. Instead of pulling the letters off soon after spraying, I waited just long enough for the under-layers to get dampish from the new red coat so when I went to remove the letters, some of the white paint pulled away as well.

So glad it did! Another happy accident.

The lettering would have been too plain otherwise, in my opinion. To make it all look on-purpose, I scratched the other letters a bit as well. Love the result.

Time to fill it up!

I added felt pad stickies to the bottom of the pan so the red paint won’t scrape off on anything and now it sits in our cupboard just waiting for snack time.

Hands off the Cheddar Jack Cheezits. Those are mine. : )

Take care.

-amy c

Domestically Speaking
Lovely Crafty Home

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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