Keeping Cool with Strawberries & Cream Popsicles with Silk Creamer

Have you heard? It’s summertime. Summer is sunshine, beach time, relaxed schedule and did I mention sunshine? Summer is also bugs, sweating and me, walking the tightrope of sanity managing a busy house. The children and I have a full list of things we want to do in the next three months. Beach trips, books to read, art and cooking to do and friends to see. It will be lively but I want to do all it just as much as they do.

Popsicles are a favorite during the summer. Or anytime really. They even make good lip-boo-boo fixers as learned from experience this past week. I’ve been meaning to try my hand at the art of popsicle making because there are so many gorgeous ones floating around the web but I never got around to it. When I got the opportunity to work with Silk and their Creamers, I wondered if they had popsicle potential. Interestingly, we have been considering swapping out some of our dairy for dairy free to help with some possible sensitivities. Since Silk is dairy free, as well as free of carrageenan and artificial colors or flavors, it was the perfect partner for my strawberries and cream inaugural popsicle. And oh wow are they good.

I picked up the Silk Almond Creamer, strawberries and my koji popsicle molds at my local Target, which is one of my favorite places. Most of the time I’m rushing in and rushing out with children in tow, but every once in a while, I get a chance to leisurely walk the aisles and it’s a treat. Our Target  just got a makeover so it’s even more fun to walk through because everything has been rearranged and there is always something new to see!

These popsicles are just the easiest thing to make, a great first popsicle recipe. Fresh strawberries and Silk Creamer (either the Vanilla or Sweet Cream are perfect) and that’s it! Blend them together and pour into popsicle molds. I added sliced strawberries along the side for extra prettiness. As I said, they are delicious. Dreamy, silky, creamy, strawberry-y.  And, my babies ate them up. I actually had to fight them off while I took pictures. I’m excited for the popsicle potential this summer. Fruit cream options are endless!

Strawberries & Cream Popsicles


  • 1 cup Silk Almond Creamer, Vanilla or Sweet Cream
  • 2.5 cups fresh strawberries, washed with green removed
  • 2 strawberries, washed with green removed, sliced thinly


  1. In a food processor (or blender), blend the strawberries and Silk Almond Creamer until mostly smooth. We liked the bits of strawberries so we didn't puree it.
  2. Fill six popsicle molds halfway with the strawberry creamer mix.
  3. Carefully place two sliced strawberries along one side of the popsicle mold.
  4. Fill the molds the rest of the way and place the stick and handle.
  5. Freeze for at least 4 hours or until firmly set.
  6. To release the popsicles, run the mold under warm water briefly.

It’s already here so bring on summer.

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Danone. The opinions and text are all mine.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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