The Unexpected

The Unexpected | this heart of mine

Hello again! It’s been silent here but I have a fabulous, unexpected story.

After two rather uneventful albeit good “regular life” days last week, I woke up at 2:00am Wednesday morning to intense abdominal pain. By 4:00am I was in the ER and at 8:00am, I was wheeled into the OR for laparoscopic appendectomy. Yes. MJ and I are still wrapping our heads around it. I’d never had surgery before last week, let alone visit an ER, but I checked both off my life list in less that 4 hours. When I went to bed on Tuesday evening, I had food out to defrost for the next day’s dinner and I was envisioning the post I planned to put together for the dress-up ear headbands I made for our children. But sometimes, life takes an unexpected turn.

I tend to keep personal things personal, especially here. Not only is it a desire for privacy and a tactic for self-preservation but this is a creative space to me, for me, and I want to keep it that way. There are others who juggle the personal and non-personal very well, it’s just not a goal of mine. However, today, I’m going to pull down the curtain a bit.

I’ve mentioned in other posts about my struggles with feeling uninspired this year. In a self-employed, creative job, it’s been disconcerting. On top of that, just for fun, MJ and I have a few large personal, real life ‘balls’ in the air I’m not ready to elaborate on. We are in one of those places where it seems like everything is in flux, many things are unsure and nothing is resolving. It’s a bit uncomfortable. Throw a medical emergency on top of it and you are guaranteed a few dark moments where you are sure life is crumbling down around you.

The Unexpected | this heart of mine

MJ rescheduled all his work commitments so he could ferry our children to and from school, be with me and take over full management of our life. Kind friends offered help and food and my mom came and took care of me and our home while I rested. Even as an adult, I sure like having my mom around when I’m sick or, you know, recovering from surgery. I am blessed. Exceedingly blessed.

For my first emergency room visit and first surgery, last week’s shenanigans were lovely. I am not sure when life will level out for us or if this is just our new normal. At this point, I will settle for a few less bumps, hairpin turns and steep cliffs. But we can’t choose. The only option we have is to decide how to react. For me, last week proved that while I really don’t care for surprises, especially ones in the middle of the night, I, we, can make it through. We are capable of managing the unexpected. And, awesomely and amazingly, we have a community of people who care about us, at the ready to throw their arms around us and offer their help.

Thank you all for your kind messages and prayers. I felt them. :)

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

13 thoughts on “The Unexpected

  1. Oh, Amy! I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve been in such pain–and that you’ve been struggling with other pieces of life as well. We have been, too. It would be the understatement of the century to say it’s been a rough period. The silver lining is that when things move back toward normalcy, what was once boring or routine becomes something to be savored. I hope that you’re well soon and that things return to “normal”–or better!–ASAP. Thinking of you. xo

  2. Oh Amy :( First of all, I’m so glad you’re okay. Secondly, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling uninspired. It’s been a tough year… I’m hoping things turn a corner soon! xo

  3. just stumbled on your blog..cute i must say !! i found it through your mosaic cake…i reposted the pic to my employe at my tile store!!! love it!! thanks for sharing…also i feel bad you have been feeling uninspired sometime you need to just reset your mind..stop thinking and when ohg i hope soon that you feel better …..take walk in a cool town that your not so familiar with and just roam… works for me..sort of like “inspiration hunting”!! so feel better and inspire on and on and on ….

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