Vacay, a Mini Paper Garland and A Note on Knowing Who You Are

Mini Paper Bunting | this heart of mine

We are off! The bags are packed, the car is stuffed, vacation here we come! We are joining MJ’s family up north for rest and relaxation. Earlier this week was my mother-in-law’s birthday so we made a cake to bring along to celebrate her. The cake and frosting are simple so I made a tiny paper bunting garland. I made it extra tiny so I had to hand-sew it. Ridiculous? Probably but I love how it turned out. Hopefully the children will leave it alone until we get there.

Mini Paper Bunting | this heart of mine

Speaking of birthdays, I was interviewed by an NBCNews/Today journalist, Jacoba Urist, about the current DIY trend in birthdays (thanks, Kelly!). It was such a pleasure to chat with her and the article was published yesterday! What do you think of the trend?

Mini Paper Bunting | this heart of mine

As the article says, I’ve noticed the trend of DIY birthdays but for me, it’s not a new way of doing things. I love making stuff, birthday items included. That’s how I grew up (making stuff vs. buying it) and the act of creating brings me joy. But, thankfully, we are not made the same. DIY birthdays are not for everyone and that is okay. If it makes you happy to make 250 darling cake pops or mini terrariums place card holders, do it and enjoy it! If it doesn’t, oh well. Don’t make yourself crazy and let go of the guilt. The most important part of a child’s birthday is to celebrate the child (the most important part of ANY event is the people). Store bought cupcakes are just as delicious and magical in the eyes of a child as cupcakes that take a day to put together. Our world is such a wonderful place because we are differently gifted. We need to own who we are and accept it. So do birthdays in a way works for you. Enjoy the celebration.

Have a fabulous weekend and see you back here on Monday!

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

8 thoughts on “Vacay, a Mini Paper Garland and A Note on Knowing Who You Are

  1. I just wanted to pop in and say I love what you have to say about making. And particularly that the parties are about the people, so only DIY if you enjoy it! Off to read that article!

  2. Amy, just read the article and I love what you said. I’m like you, I love making things and I feel like if someone doesn’t–then don’t– and that’s totally 100% cool too. I also think there is nothing cooler than people just being themselves and owning what they are all about.

    p.s. I love your darling bunting. Well done, my friend. It’s lovely. :)

  3. This bunting is so simple but so cute! I love it draped along the sides of the platter instead of on sticks on top of the cake. I’m definitely copying you! Thanks for sharing.

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