Valentine Tees

Valentine T-Shirt 12

For the second year in a row, we made tees for Valentine’s Day. This holiday, more than any other, inspires me to drag out the freeze paper and paints. It’s all the hearts and redness! Here’s a tutorial on freezer paper tutorial from way back when. If you’ve never tried it, give it a go! You’ll be hooked!

This year was extra special for me because Love Bug was very involved in the planning and executing of her t-shirt. First, we talked about what she wanted the shirt to look like then we sat down and I drew out a sketch per her instructions. After I cut the design out of freezer paper and ironed it down, she oversaw my color mixing and painted the hearts herself. I was grinning ear to ear watching her.

Valentine T-Shirt 1.1

Her idea was that there was a heart for each person in our family. A Daddy heart, a Mommy heart, a Love Bug heart and a heart for Sweet J. Aw! So sweet.

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It was hard to coax my littles outside for these pictures but they finally relented…after I promised three gummy worms a piece. They drive a hard bargain.

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Then it was all smiles and happy faces after that.

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She is growing so fast. My little curly-headed Valentine.

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For Sweet J, I initially intended to do a car on his shirt. But then I looked up dog images and he came barreling over to see what I was doing and to yell ‘Dawd!’ at me 14 times. :) Dog it was. Found a cute dog image here and modified the nose to be more Valentine-y.

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I love it. And he does too. His ‘Dawd!’ shirt.

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His cheese face. Sweet J cooperated the best he ever has for these photos. Must have been the gummies.

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It is so him. It’s perfect. My little bruiser Valentine.

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I wanted to get a perfect shot of Bug kissing his cheek for the closing shot but they both demand payment right after this one. Maybe next time.

Valentine T-Shirt 11

Love them so.

Take care.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

6 thoughts on “Valentine Tees

  1. Aw, I miss those two! “N” looks so grown up in that first shot, she is beautiful. “J” is adorable and I bet he just loves his dawd shirt. I will definetly have to try the freezer paper shirts with “M” and “J”. I just got home from spending a week with them. “L” was in the hospital for two days with the croup and “M” had bronchitis, so Nana stayed home with them for the week. You are so lucky that your kids don’t have to go to daycare and get exposed to all that junk. Thanks for sharing this idea and I look forward to doing this project with them.

  2. Oh, sorry I meant that I look forward to sharing this project with “M” and “L”, but I’m sure you figured that out:)

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