Week 24: Make It Tasty

For this week’s photo challenge, I’m taking some liberty on its interpretation. Because I regularly show food on the blog accompanied with recipes, I thought going that vein would be a bit redundant. However, here are a few ‘Make It Tasty’ food options 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

Instead, I am sharing a simple family shot of MJ and the children at the zoo last week because it’s a fun memory. Again, we had a lovely day. There are some animal shots on my Instagram feed. The family farm area was a little more interactive for us: watching a cow get milked, seeing baby chicks up close and feeding the (crazy) goats.

Love Bug was very excited to get into the pen with the goats and feed them. I think she was expecting them to be a lot like the two dogs in her life who live with her grandpa and grandma J. But they weren’t. These goats, with plenty of experience in the pellet feeding business, were not very patient and didn’t mind shoving around a certain little girl to get what they wanted. Things started out alright, as in the picture below, but ended with a large momma goat (that sneaky white one in the bottom left of the photo) brazenly retrieving pellets from the hands of Bug, much to her dismay. Thankfully, her big, brave dad was there to save her.

Week 24: Make It Tasty – Photo Challenge

Take care.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

2 thoughts on “Week 24: Make It Tasty

  1. Love goat feeding pens and all their chaos. Last year, I accompanied the kindergarten students at my school (population mostly Somali) to the zoo. One boy jumped right in, hugged the goats around the neck (which TOTALLY calmed them down) and stroked the goat as he fed it. When asked, he started telling me (in his pretty limited English) about all his goats and animals back in Kenya (where he’d lived before coming to the U.S.) So sweet!

  2. Just ran across this and it just cracked me up! We had the same experience when Jay was little……he laid in bed that night saying….”somebody yicked me yeg……probby dat doat did!”

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