Yogurt Pie & the AC

Sorry for the late post. How was your July 4th celebration?

I had planned on getting this post up sooner but things haven’t really gone as planned for the last couple days. Let me fill you in:

On Friday we headed for Wisconsin and had an enjoyable weekend with MJ’s family and extended family. Food, fun and family!

Love Bug loved playing in the lake and playing with second cousins and Sweet J took it all in stride: new places, new faces and lots of new loving arms.

Then we packed up and headed home. I was looking forward to having two more days with MJ at home, getting some things checked off my to-do list and maybe a few child-free minutes.

Nope. Not here.

Upon entering our house, we could feel that it was warmer than it should be with the AC running. We gave it the benefit of the doubt, maybe it was having a hard time keeping up with the heat and humidity, so we unpacked and fell into bed under just the sheets.

When I woke at 5am, the temp had only improved by two degrees. 81 to 79. Not a good sign. I actually opened up the windows and that cooled it down another 2 degrees. Called my dad at 5:15am and he confirmed what we expected – the air conditioner was dying.

MJ and I spent our Independence Day morning figuring out what to do, who to call and how to get this problem fixed. By 11am, with the in-house temps climbing back into the 80s, we had an appointment with a heating and cooling guy for the next morning (this morning), we had repacked and were checking into a hotel down the road.

We ate a picnic lunch on the floor of our hotel room, took a family nap (yah!) and then Love Bug and MJ splashed around in the pool while Sweet J and I snuggled some more. Had a bed picnic for dinner, took in the fireworks on TV and enjoyed the AC in our room while we slept. Then (hallelujah!) bright and early, I got the call that the heating and cooling fixer was on his way. He had everything fixed and cooled down by 11am.

Now we are back at home with a functioning AC and the holiday is almost over. So much for my plans. Though this will be a July 4th we will never forget. A memory maker I suppose. : )

However, this AC/over-heated fiasco plays right into the Yogurt Pie recipe I wanted to share. If you ever find yourself in need of a sweet treat to share or just for you and it is a hot, hot day (or your air conditioner is broken), this pie is easy, refreshing and doesn’t require any time in the oven. Oh and it only takes four ingredients, plus water.

MK’s Yogurt Pie
recipe from MKay

1/4 c boiling water
small package of Jello, any flavor
1 6oz container of yogurt, matching the Jello flavor
8oz Cool Whip
1 graham cracker crust

In a large bowl, dissolve the Jello package in the boiling water. Allow to cool just a bit.

Stir in the yogurt and then fold in the Cool Whip.

Scoop mixture into the graham crust and refrigerate until set.

You can add coordinating fruit to the top, too. However, it is not necessary. It tastes just as good just as is.

Easy peeasy, cool and breezy.

Here’s to July 4th, 2012.

Take care.

-amy c

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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