Someone in our home is having a difficult adjustment to wearing pants as the fall weather begins.
I’ll give you one guess.
And it’s not me.
This certain individual repeatedly comments on the itchiness and discomfort felt while wearing pants of any kind.
Despite repeated requests to wear pants, this individual continues to refuse wearing any bottoms in the house.
Even when we have guests.
She did make it through 45 minutes or so. But then she realized she was, in fact, entombed in constricting bottom-half clothing, and promptly removed them.
Right there, in front of my guests.
Thank goodness my guests were good, understanding individuals. Obviously Bug felt comfortable enough around them to hang out in her undies.
So we aren’t accused of neglect or a social faux pa, we do require her to wear bottoms in public.
And just yesterday, when I was getting Love Bug dressed to leave the house, she solemnly told me, “I have to wear my pants outside.”
Ah, we seem to be making some progress.
-amy c