When Sweet J was two, we enrolled in a family education class together. It’s the same class I did with Love Bug and plan to do with Pipsqueak. The class provided a new place to play, interactions with other same-age children and some practice being away from mom because for the second part of the time, while the children stay with one teacher, the moms gathered with another to discuss parenting topics. Inadvertently, this class also provided a place for me to make friends.
Today, over one and a half years after the class ended, the core of that group still gathers each Tuesday morning. One mom hosts, the children play together while we chat and then we share a potluck-style lunch. Without being intrusive or demanding, our weekly date provides easy social interactions for all involved plus a group effort for our share meal (which I love because man, it’s hard to do food all by myself most of the week). It’s a bright spot in the week for sure.
Fierce lady friendships are an important part of life as an adult lady. They differ from the relationship we share with spouses or significant others, family members or acquaintances around town. They are the place to open yourself more, laugh about life, find support, camaraderie and strength when yours is waning (like mine did some last year). They are the group that champions your goals, listens to your rants and says “We completely understand.”
Making and maintaining strong, healthy, supportive female friendships is an important, some might say vital, part of life as an adult work. But, making friends as an adult female, with or without children, is much different than making friends in our younger years. Finding, growing and maintaining fierce lady friendships will be an ongoing series on this heart of mine this year. From how to find them to being a good friend yourself. I hope you will join in the discussion.
Tell me: what do you think about fierce lady friendships? Vital? A myth? What are the top qualities you look for in a lady friend?
I never expected to gain such strong friendships when my kids started school, but our Mom Club is truly a bright spot in my life. There’s three regulars, including me, and two occasionals, and I’m certain mom life would suck without them. ;)
I agree that this is SO important. None of my friends have children of their own so I’ve been flying solo (with my husband, too) for 3.5 years. That’s part of the reason I’m going to start a blog. Hopefully networking via blogging will spark some mama friendships!
Our group started as baby mom yoga. Continued with house playtime, to parks as we out grew houses, and into our own small preschool. The group still meets for a beach week 15 years later with about 10 moms and close to 30 kids. Starting to plan for a meet up when kids have moved on.