A Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy

A Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy | this heart of mine

Hello again! Bring on the bright and sweet clementines, our winter-produce saviors! We are eating bags of them right now. Sweet and juicy and a real fruit-elicious pick-me-up. All the kiddos like them, even Pipsqueak! He loves to hold one or two while I feed him halved segments. He has taken a few bites out of the side of them, like you would an apple, rind and all. Apparently, it’s not too bad because he keeps doing it. But back to the clementines. Or clementine sorbet, at least. Following the same steps as our other sorbets – pomegranate, blood orangetart cherryraspberry pomegranategrapefruit – clementines have found another sweet and frozen life. I don’t want to say I was surprised at how tasty I found the clementine sorbet, like I don’t know what I’m doing or something, but it’s always gratifying taking a bite into an experiment and finding it delightful.

A Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy | this heart of mineA Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy | this heart of mine

The process is the same as the other renditions. Real juice, frozen, blended with simple syrup and refrozen. It’s light and tangy and cold and slushy and the color is all natural (which is the way I like to eat my colors). Juicing the clementines requires the most elbow grease but, I promise, it’s not too painful.

If you’re wondering about the clementine bowls, directions are below. They add just a bit of fun to this yummy dessert.

A Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy | this heart of mine A Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy | this heart of mine A Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy | this heart of mine

A Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy


  • 1 pound frozen clementine juice - about 10 medium-sized clementines juice, strained and frozen
  • 3/4-1 cup simple syrup
  • pinch of salt


  1. Juice clementines and pour through a fine mesh strainer.
  2. Pour into ice cube trays (or 9x13 cake pan) and freeze until solid.
  3. In the large work bowl of a food processor with the large chopping blade, dump in the frozen clementine juice cubes or chunks, simple syrup and salt.
  4. Pulse 10 times, using long pulses. After scraping the bowl, process until smooth, about two minutes.
  5. Eat immediately or place in a container and place in the freezer until fully frozen..
  6. Scoop and eat.


To make clementine "bowls": cut the top third off the clementines and use a spoon (we found grapefruit spoons work the best) to scrape out the segments down to the white pith. The removed segments can be eaten or juiced. Fill with clementine sorbet


A Recipe for Clementine Sorbet: Colorful, Yummy & Easy | this heart of mine


Sorry for the silence last week. It was a mix of lots of real life obligations and feeling under the weather for many days in a row. I couldn’t get things in motion. But now I’m back. I will survive! 

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

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