Simple Marie

Something beautiful worth sharing.

I have this cousin. Really, she’s married to my cousin Eric but she’s family so cousin works. Her name is Danielle and she is a stylist. She is one of those incredibly fashionable people who just have ‘it’.

My knowledge of her tremendous gift started with their engagement photos. She made both the white and the black dresses and accessories.

Then there was the wedding. Danielle styled her hair.

And it has just grown from there. Now Danielle works with the photographer who captured the amazing engagement and wedding photos above; she styles photo shoots ranging from graduate, engagment and fashion photography. (All photo credits go to Amanda K from Amanda K Photography.)

These photos are sessions she styled. Danielle made the feather earrings for the picture above and the pin wheels for the session below.

I love the turquoise scarf!

And this umbrella.

But my favorite, besides the black tulle dress from the engagement photos, has to be this dress below. Danielle made it, as well as the hair accessory.

And it’s the most beautiful color of red. Just gorgeous. I don’t know where I would wear it but I want one. Maybe the grocery store? : )


Danielle has her own styling website called Simple Marie and it’s worth checking out. She is on Pinterest too and her boards are filled with the most beautiful stuff.

Sometimes I wish Danielle was my blood relative (sorry Eric) so I could maybe look forward to growing more stylish/fashionable but I’m satisfied that I get to call her family.

Take care.

-amy c

POST UPDATE: Check out these links for two amazing wedding looks Danielle worked on with Amanda, the photographer. Mind blowing. Seriously. Look one. Look two.

About Amy Christie

Amy is a wife, mother of two and a maker. Making is her thing whether it is food, DIYs or photos of her children. Follow Amy on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Bloglovin, Twitter, and through her once-a-month newsletter to keep up with the latest from this heart of mine.

4 thoughts on “Simple Marie

  1. What a beautiful tribute to an extremely talented woman. It is such an honor to work with her. Thank you for giving Danielle the props that she deserves. :) XO AK

  2. Has Simple Marie moved to another site? The link above takes me to a website that is in all Japanese. :/ I LOVE her work!!! GORGEOUS dresses!!!

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